𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕰𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 ~ 𝕯𝖎𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖗 𝕯𝖆𝖙𝖊

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(About 2 months later, Aura's POV)

It's been about 2 months, and Kyojuro had accepted the role of Flame Hashira. Though, not all of the hashira accepted him. Maybe just Shinazugawa-san. I had heard he about hurt Kyojuro-san for being a bit loud and prideful. But, because of his morals, Kyojuro-san never dared to injure Shinaguzawa-san, he only held him back. I honestly would've paid to see it.

Kyojuro-san's missions have doubled since his promotion, and we barely see each other anymore. It's embarrassing to admit, but I miss him. My life is kinda dull when I'm not around him.

Anyways, we still have been exchanging letters here and there. In his most recent one, he wrote that his mission is almost over and that we could go to town and spend time together again. I about fainted after reading it. A VERY handsome man writing back to ME wanting to SPEND TIME together? I think I'm dreaming.

His mission is located in a small town about 2 days from here. I can't wait for him to come back.

(2 days later, Kyojuro's POV)

My mission is over and I'm currently walking back to the Demon Slayer Headquarters. I'm also excited to take Aura-san to town to get some food and to maybe buy her something.

I don't know what this feeling is, but I just feel really happy when I'm around her. Maybe I should ask someone about it? I'll ask Mitsuri-san, she could help me.

(3 days later)

I make it back to headquarters and enter my estate to get ready for tonight. I put on some nice clothing, and, for a change, I tie my hair up into a ponytail.

Now it's time to get Aura-san.

(Aura's POV)

I heard Kyojuro-san made it back safely to headquarters and had been getting ready for something.

Well I better get ready as well. I put on one of my nice kimonos and a nice purple haori. I put in one of my mother's hair clips that I had saved. Lastly, I put on the necklace I had bought to match with my family.

Knock Knock.

"Coming!" I close the clasp on my necklace and rush to the front door of Furukawa-sensei's estate. I open it to reveal a nice-dressed Kyojuro-san. "Good evening, Aura-san! You look very pretty tonight! Are you ready to go?" He asks me. After staring for ten solid seconds with a red face, I answer. "U-Uh, yeah! Let's go." Furukawa-sensei appears behind me. "Make sure to bring her back at a decent time, Kyojuro-kun." He playfully warns. "Yes sir!" I swore I saw Kyojuro-san sweat-drop.

We enter the nearest town to go out to eat. I spot a restaurant that I liked. "Hey, Kyojuro-san, can we go there?" I ask while walking beside him. "Sure, if that's where you want to go." He agrees with a bright smile plastered across his face. I turned my head so he couldn't see my red face.

We go into the restaurant and sit down to order. One of the waitresses comes by to get our orders. "What would a lovely couple like you two want to eat tonight?" She asks. I feel my face burning up while Kyojuro-san chokes out an answer. "W-We're not a couple.." The waitress' eyes widen in surprise. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I just thought since you two were so dressed up- never mind. What would you two like?" She apologizes. Kyojuro-san pipes up. "I would like some sweet potatoes, please!" "I'll have a bowl of soba, please." I answer. "Alright, coming right up." And she leaves.

"Well, that was a bit nerve wracking." Kyojuro-san says. "Yeah.."

About ten minutes later, we get our food. "Thank you!" We said at the same time. The waitress nodded. "Enjoy your meals." We started eating and Kyojuro-san said his usual 'tasty' while eating. I couldn't help but smile at his behavior. He stops eating for a moment and looks up at me. Crap! I've been staring for too long, haven't I? "Are you ok, Aura-san? Do I have something on my face?" He asks, worried why I've been staring at him for a long time. I put my hands up like I've been caught. "N-No, no, nothing's on your face! Sorry for staring!" I apologize. He gives his usual sweet smile. "It's alright! Uh, are you done eating?" He asks me. "Yeah, I'm done. Why, are we going somewhere else?" I ask him. "Yeah, but I'm going to keep the location a secret.." He puts his finger over his lips.

After paying and leaving the restaurant, he takes me to a wooded area. He lifts up a couple vines to reveal a beautiful scenery of wisteria trees. "Wow... where'd you find this place, Kyojuro-san?" I ask him. "I went here all the time with my mother and little brother." He answered, seeming to reminisce about his childhood. He continued. "So, I thought I should share it with you, too." He says, giving me a bright smile. "...To bright and adorable.." I mumble. "Uh, what was that Aura-san?" He asks, not understanding my mumbling. "It's nothing.." I lower my head. "Let's go sit." He grabs my hand and drags me over to a bench.

We sit down and he starts talking again. "So how have your missions been going?" He asks me. "They've been going alright. It does get a little lonely doing some missions by myself, though. But I don't mind." I answer. "Well if you're getting lonely on missions, you should ask Kagaya-sama to have someone go with you on some of them." He suggests. "I don't know.. I haven't met Kagaya-sama, and I don't know if he'll allow it since I'm not really a high rank right now." I tell him. "I'm sure he'll be okay with it. Kagaya-sama is a very kind man." He reassures me.

Author's Note:
Thank you for reading Chapter eight!
Hope you enjoyed. (1008 words)

𝙼𝚞𝚌𝚑 𝚃𝚘𝚘 𝙱𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝. /•/DISCONTINUED/•/Where stories live. Discover now