the beginings

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A/N; hey yall! a quick note here, this is my second fic ever written, but the first to ever be published. please go easy on me, and any and all feedback is welcome! this chapter will be Annie (OC) and the Winchester boys' background, then next part we will get into the series rewrite! enjoy!!!

Word Count- 4356

January 1989; Bend, Oregon

I sat at the bottom of the staircase, my mother's head in my small hands. Hot tears were flowing down my face and dripping onto her. I could feel the difference in her body temperature, had it already been that long?

"Kid, we gotta go. You got anywhere I can take you?" A man with dark hair and a scruffy face asked in a deep voice. I peered up at him from my position on the floor. He was tall, as any 7 year old would think. I would believe him to be frightening if he had not just saved my life.

"What w-was that?" I choke out, tears never-ending. The man takes in a large breath before speaking.

"Nothing good," he takes a moment to look at me. "You have nowhere to go do you?" I shake my head no, and that was the truth. At only seven years old, I understood a lot. Mom was a teen runaway, which I didn't fully grasp what that meant, I just knew that's what she was. She met my dad and then had me in 1981. He freaked out and left; Mom always just said he was on drugs. I knew what those were.

But other than my mom, I was completely alone.

The man sighs once again, then outstretches his hand, offering it to me. I reach my small, blood-soaked hand out towards his, and he helps me off the ground. "What's your name kid?"

"An-Annabella. But mommy called me Annie."

"Okay, Annabella. You have a last name?" he asks. We start to walk out of the house, and towards his sleek, black car. I nod my head before answering.

"Floyd" the man smiles down at me. We get to his car, and he opens up the front door. He picks me up and sets me in the seat, then crouches down to be at eye level with me. I look at him through my tear clouded vision.

"Well, Miss Annabella Floyd, my name is John. I'm gonna take care of you. I'll take you back somewhere safe, then I will come back here and bury your mother, okay?" I nod, more tears falling at the mention of my mother. He shuts the door to the car and walks to the other side. John fires up the car, and it roars to life. He begins to drive off and I stare out the window, watching my world as I know it passes me by.


After what felt like an hour, John pulls into the parking lot of a small motel and shuts the car off.

"Wait in the car for a minute Annabella," John instructs. I nod and wait patiently. I watch John walk into the motel room. From the shadows peering through the window, I can tell he is talking to someone. I see the curtain move and two small boys peer out the window. One looks to be a few years older than me, slightly chubby with short dirty blonde hair, and a bunch of freckles. The other is smaller, probably a little bit younger than me, with shaggy brown hair. He looks clueless and innocent, while the older boy looks more mature. Even for being young. I see John say something and then the boys quickly move away from the window.

After a few more minutes, John comes back out to the car and opens the passenger door.

"Alright, I'd like you to meet my boys," John says with a calm voice. "They'll take care of you while I go take care of your mother." I nod and follow him into the motel room. The motel room is bright compared to the night sky, and it takes me a moment to adjust.

The room has two beds, a small kitchen, and what is probably a bathroom, but the door is closed. There are several duffel bags strewn about, a few with clothes peeking out of them, some with toys and comic books. There's a box of cereal on the kitchen counter next to a bag of apples. One of the beds is seemingly untouched, while the other has obviously been slept in.

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