salvation/devil's trap

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Word Count- 9634

A/N- I stayed up all night to finish this, and I have not proofread this. I apologize for any typos, I will be going back and editing typos after some sleeeeep. 

Annie's POV

I groaned as I slowly woke for the day. Waking up was the worst part of the day. Not because I didn't want to, not by any means. But the struggle to get up and face the horrors that have been my life since seven years old. I would be more apt to get out of bed and go to a mundane office job.

Who am I kidding-- no I wouldn't. 

The past few days have been nothing but restless sleep--for all of us. We have been staying in an old cabin in Colorado. It has been nothing short of nonstop research and locating the demon. 

There were only two beds in the cabin, and we all silently agreed that John would get a bed to himself-- that's how it always was growing up. The boys and I argued until they both said I had to take the other bed, and they would alternate nights on the bed with me and the couch. Last night was Sam's night in the bed with me.

Sleeping with the gargantuan of a human meant even worse sleep. He took up most of the bed now as an adult and tossed and turned all night long. But it was nothing I wasn't used to, that's how it was growing up.  

I slowly stretch and open my eyes, adjusting to the light. I groan and sit up, running a hand through my full brown hair. I take in my surroundings and see that the boys have been awake for what seems like a while.

"Mornin' sleeping beauty," Dean smirks. Dean used to say that almost every morning when we were kids. From time to time he would switch up the nickname. I had to admit, it was nice to hear him say the phrase again. I give him a small smile. 

"So this is it," John says, gesturing to the vast amount of news articles and papers taped to the walls. Most had scribbles and notes written on them. Some of it was even lore on the demon. "This is everything I know. Our whole lives we've been searching for this demon. Not a trace, just nothing. Until about a year ago. For the first time, I picked up a trail."

It was almost unbelievable that after all these years, the demon was so close and within reach. The Winchesters were finally going to put an end to their crusade. Of course, I would help with anything they need, but ultimately, it's not my fight. It's theirs. 

"That's when you took off," Dean murmurs. Sam had filled me in on the past year of hunting, how they couldn't find John, and Sam eventually got roped back into the life. 

"Yeah," John says looking down. "That's right. The demon must have come out of hiding, or hibernation."

"Alright, so what's this trail you found?" Dean inquires while moving over closer to his father who is sitting at the table. Sam is across the room, leaning on the dresser.

"It starts in Arizona, then New Jersey, California. Houses burned down to the ground. It's going after families, just like it went after us." John answers.

"Families with infants?" I ask, still sitting in the bed, blankets covering my lower half. I was only wearing an old flannel that Dean had given me in high school. It went to my mid-thigh, but I don't think John would appreciate me being so indecent. But, I had no other pajamas, since I left to meet the boys on such short notice. 

"Yeah, the night of the kid's 6-month birthday," John says calmly.

"I was six months old that night?" Sam asks.

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