"Hold my hand"

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It has been a week since you woke up, Kiibo had woken up a few days prior, he was a human, an actual person, you were in shock at first but now you're used to it. You heard chatter from the nurses that same day that Tsumugi had woke up but refused to leave her room, but now, today, she came to lunch.

You looked at her, and balled up your fist, she had regained her energy quickly, so had you. You looked at the others, Shuichi knew what you were about to do and a shook his head violently. "Fuck off Shuichi," you grumbled, that tipped everyone off, they all started yelling as you ran at Tsumugi. Nurses rushed into the room and ran towards you, trying to stop you but you pushed them away, soon a nurse called for security. You grabbed Tsumugi by the collar and punched her square in the face, your brutal assault continued until you were tased by security.
While you were on the floor you saw Gonta and Kirumi run to help Tsumugi, Kokichi came over to you and sighed, "Y/N..? I know you're angry but we're okay, alright love?" You couldn't respond before you blacked out.

You woke up in your room, you look to your side to see Kokichi sitting in a chair resting his head on your bed. "Morning cutie," he whispered. You smiled and hugged him tightly, he chuckled, "hey Y/N?" He let you go and stood up, "hold my hand," he mumbled, holding out his hand. You grabbed his hand and laughed as he pulled you up to your feet and close to his chest. "Lets go talk to the others though, I'm sure Tsumugi would appreciate an apology.." your smile faded to a frown and you nodded, he was right, you shouldn't have lashed out like that.

You walked down the halls with Kokichi, soon you two found everyone, they were in the recreation room. When you stepped in everyone looked at you, your grip on Kokichi's hand became tighter. Tsumugi walked up to the two of you first, "Y/N." You felt a hint of hostility in her voice, you furrowed your brows. "Tsumugi.. I'm," you forced yourself to begin talking, "sorry." Tsumugi smirked.
"Y/N, I don't forgive you, yet," you knew Tsumugi wouldn't forgive you for a while but her attitude ticked you off. Kokichi glared at Tsumugi, "hey! Asshole! Y/N is still pissed at you ya know? Don't tick them off even more unless you want to get brutalized again!"

You turned around and walked into the hall, curling up into a ball. You took a deep breath as a nurse approached you. "Y/N? If you don't mind the press is here and want to ask you a few questions..."

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