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        He was everything a girl could want; handsome, and Adonis even. There was a light in his eyes that showed you the darkness in his heart all the while, his lips did not speak a word. The muddy color of his hair that made you want to run your fingers through it or even roll around in it-not worrying if you got dirty. To taste his soft lips and wonder all the words he wanted to speak but never could. There was strength he let certain people see. Not a physical strength, although he had that, it was more of an emotional strength. He never placed guilt upon people, only logic and truth. The words he spoke seemed to be crafted only for him to say and the tone in which he spoke could send even the most unromantic person into a state of admiration. His touch was sinful-laced with pain and passion at one embrace. Then there was his soul-wounded, dark, and twisted. Wounded by the battles of his past and scarred by the words and actions he was forced to endure. Dark due to the loss of light along hislife's path and the thieves that took from him along his crossroads. Then lastly, twisted, for the ideas he had created in his life of what he desired. I should have known that he was the hunter...and I was his unknowing prey...

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