Chapter Nine- Discovery

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In my entire existence, going to bed was always a task list to achieve. Hair, teeth, face, planning for the next day. But the last two nights I have just fallen asleep with the idea of my life the following day. What would happen? What would become of Nick and I? Would anything ever? I know I was foolish for trusting someone I had only known twenty-four hours. But something about him made me feel safe. In that twenty-four hours he has saved my life, made me enjoy going to sleep, and helped me dream of actual things that are good and kind.

But I awoke early that next morning. A feeling in my gut something was wrong. I realized when I returned home last night, my mother was not here. There had been no note on the fridge, no message on my phone, and no idea where she was. I knew nothing of the men she spent time with. Aside from the fact of where she met them-a local bar down the street she spent most of her nights singing.

Just as my mind wandered dark, I saw Nick. His eyes were glossy and his hair was a mess, but he was still perfect. A slight mid-September shadow began to become visible on his face and a smirk appeared as he saw me also. As he made his way in the house, he stopped dead.

"What's wrong?"

How did he know? I still don't know to this day how he knows me so well.

"Nothing." I said as I look at him with a smirk.

"Something is. Tell me."


"Savannah!" He said, looking around anxiously. "Are they back?"

"No. I just don't know where my mom is...She never goes anywhere aside from the bar, post office, and home."

"Is she in bed?"

I felt idiotic for not checking. But mother was always awake before I was. Maybe it was the adrenaline or the alcohol, but she was never the type to sleep in. Not even when she had a hangover. She would spend the night on the couch with a marathon of romance movies and a bottle of wine or vodka-depending on her thoughts, beside her.

Walking up the stairs, I asked him on how he slept and he told me how he enjoyed the items I had given him and he made great use of them. A smile was etched on my face as I opened my mothers door. There she was asleep.

"See? Everything is just fine." He said as he looked from her to me but then back at her. But he looked back once more and walked further in the room.

"What?" I asked with a smile.

"Call an ambulance."



I pulled the phone from my pocket and dialed 9-1-1 and told them to come to the house.

"What's going on?"

"Savannah, I need you to go." Before he let me see, he shut the door in my face before I could hear him wrestling with the sheets. When he came out, he had blood on his hands that covered almost to his elbows. I looked in fear.

"What is that?"

"Vannah, you cannot tell the police I was here, do you understand? They will think I had something to do with this. You know I didn't, right?"

I nodded.

"Good, answer any questions they have truthfully. You don't need to remember anything except when it comes to me. If anything comes up, say you were out in the barn-which wouldn't be a lie. Or with a friend."

I nodded once more.

"When they leave, come to the barn. Understand?"

"Is she okay?"

"They'll explain it. Just trust me. I know it's not easy. But I'm the only person you have to trust. I won't make you regret it." He said as he placed a kiss on my forehead and walked out of the house. Just in time for the sirens to be heard outside the house.

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