A new city

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(They/them pronouns for reader in this!!)

Y/N L/N was a fairly smart person. They had decent grades and were a slightly social person. Their hair was (hair color) and (hair length), they usually were seen wearing oversized hoodies with comfortable pants. Recently, their mother had gotten a job deal and the two had to move away to Earthbread, a city that was full of friendly people. Y/N was slightly upset they had to leave their home but were also excited to meet new people.
    They were a sophomore at high school and started their first day tomorrow. But, seeing as it's the middle of noon, they didn't have to worry about that. They did have to worry about how they would decorate their new room in the two bedroom apartment their mother had bought. The room was kinda small, but it was a good size to fit all of Y/N's things. Speaking of which, their furniture all came in big boxes which they would have to put together themselves.

    After an hour of hard work, their room was almost complete. In the left corner of their room they had pushed their Queen sized bed into it, the bedding being an assortment of stars and moon phases. On the wall next to their bed they put a stick on shelf and placed a picture frame of them and their mom and a small baby cactus plant. On the right side of the room they had a book case and a beanbag chair for when they wanted to read, their plentiful amount of books neatly tucked away in the selves of the bookcase. Next to the bookcase there was a dresser. And finally, back on the right side, there was a desk with an office chair and their laptop.
    The room was now officially decorated how they wanted it so they flopped onto their bed and let out a long, deep breath. Their muscles were sore from putting together and bringing in the furniture, hands cramping and arms pulsing.

    So they took a nap, dreams of their new school danced in their brain. The thought of all the new friends and people they'd meet just filled them with enough excitement to explode. But, they were rudely interrupted later.
    "Whatt?" They groaned, covering their face from the light the sun offered to the room. Their mother pulled the covers off them,
    "You have school in thirty minutes," she simply said, walking out the room and to her own. That sentence alone was enough to shoot Y/N right out of bed, racing to their dresser to pull out a decent enough outfit. They settled on a beige sweater with a white buttoned undershirt and black slacks. They rushed to the kitchen and quickly made their breakfast, double checking their bag to make sure they had everything they could possibly need.
    20 minutes pass and it's finally time to leave, "Bye mom! Love you!" Y/N shouted, not waiting for an answer they began making their way to the high school. It  was only a few blocks down and Y/N was sure they'd make it in time, but that didn't stop them from nervously checking the clock in their phone every five minutes.
    Finally, they arrived at the high school and were in time. They walked to their locker and began unlocking it, quickly shoving their backpack inside of it and grabbing all their folders and notebooks they would need. They made way to their first hour, Math.
Not proofread
Boring ass chapter 🤢🤢

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