Beidou's Attack on Yanshang, Part One: Extortion

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Two nights after the Yanshang Teahouse incident

It was well past midnight, around two in the early morning. The docks were quiet. The waves of Liyue's salty harbour licked the hull of the Alcor, Captain Beidou's flagship and the core of the Crux Fleet. Chief Mate Juza and Sea Drake, two of Beidou's burliest and most reliable crewmates, welcomed the Tianquan under the cover of darkness. When he caught sight of her, those elegant high heels clacking on the dockside wood, Juza bowed at the waist. Ningguang was the only person he'd ever do that for, and specifically at Beidou's request. Beidou's egalitarian outlook prevented her from demanding the same of her sailors, but the Tianquan's rank necessitated extra deference. For her part, Ningguang raised an elegant hand, stopping both Sea Drake and Juza in their tracks.

"Friends don't bow before friends, and the Alcor's crew are like my family. Please, stop," she entreated.

Juza was grinning from ear to ear. What made Beidou happy made him happy, and he knew that Beidou loved Ningguang very much. One would expect the highest law of the land, the Tianquan, to be at odds with the biggest pirate fleet in Liyue. That presumption couldn't be further from the truth. "A hearty welcome, Tianquan. We're all so glad to see you. We just regret we can't make your visit more comfortable."

"Say no more," said Ningguang, "and never apologize for the noble, seafaring lifestyle that has made you all strong, hardy, and kind-hearted. It's bad enough that in this day and age, I can't be seen in public with Beidou, nor those she considers kin. I only wish that I could join you aboard the Alcor more often."

"A true honour – for later, when the Qixing deigns to deal with the Captain in the open one day," laughed Juza, ribbing Ningguang gently. Anyone else would have gotten a severe reprimand and looks of horror for poking fun at the Qixing, but Ningguang herself laughed, shaking her head.

"You speak the truth. Beidouherself asks me to keep up  appearances, much to my own reluctance," she praised Juza, "and it's so utterly ridiculous, isn't it?" She then let him and Sea Drake lead her onto the ship and below deck, where the Captain's cabin was. The doors to Beidou's room, which had intricate wave-like patterns carved onto their dark Cuihua wood, were closed. Everything seemed fine upon Juza's and Sea Drake's departure, until Ningguang heard a loud sob as Beidou's door burst open. She froze as the blur of a feminine form rushed past her. It was a beautiful, well-built lady with an eyepatch, and there was a stream of tears flowing from her good eye. Eyebrow raised, Ningguang turned her head briefly as she heard the young woman rushing back up to the main deck, where Juza and Sea Drake had only just headed to.

"Oi, wait!" Hey!" came Beidou's desperate shout. She poked her head out from behind the door, and her already frazzled expression turned even more mortified when she glimpsed Ningguang, waiting for her.

"Hey," she said in surprise. "I... don't suppose you've seen Furong, have you?"

"Did I come at a bad time?" said Ningguang lightly. "She just passed me. At least, I think that was her. I heard sniffling. You can chase after her if you want. I won't get in the way."

Beidou sighed. "It's not worth it. It'll be awkward when I inspect her quarters, but with any luck, she'll learn to let go and we'll be on speaking terms soon enough."

Ningguang glanced back again. "She seemed quite upset. Did you do something to break her heart?"

Beidou growled at Ningguang: "Nothing like that. She... confessed to me."

Ningguang's calm face broke into an amused smile. "Confessed, confessed?"

Beidou winced. "Yeeaah. Apparently, I've been on her mind awhile."

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