All Debts Must Be Collected

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The collective mood on the Crux was about as foul as a collection of onboard vegetables gone rotten.

"Erm. Captain. It's not looking good," said Juza, chief mate to Beidou. He stood before Beidou in the captain's cabin, and flanking Beidou were two of her closest confidants: Xiangling, ace chef of Wanmin Restaurant and Kaedehara Kazuha, wandering ronin. "Didn't you read the letter I gave to you?"

"What's not looking good?" snapped Beidou. "So there's a group of fat cats – oh, I'm sorry – job creators – that are pissed off at me for standing up to the scum at Yanshang Teahouse. And they think they can just, what? Summon me to Xinyue Kiosk and air their grievances against me while I just stand there and take their bullshit?"

The captain's bare legs were plonked lazily on her table, and she was flexing her toes, not in a sensual manner at all, but rather with the confidence that the captain's cabin was her domain, and she was going to do whatever she felt like, thank you very much. Indeed, all she wore after her bath was her inner garments, revealing her lean form and muscles. She'd stripped off her armor and coat, having just cleaned herself, and Xiangling was happily drying her long, flowing hair with a white towel, seemingly oblivious to the serious talk. Or maybe Xiangling thought that there was nothing to worry about, either, thought Juza to himself.

Kazuha was a bit more somber. "Ane-gimi," he said, his arms crossed, "Juza-san's panic might be worth taking seriously. This one believes that the grievances of the signatories of the letter might manifest dangerously. Tempering those possibilities, this one thinks, doesn't seem like bad idea."

He pursed his lips, his gentle eyes reflecting his concern for Beidou's safety. True, no one would openly confront Beidou – yet. But everything had a tipping point, and there was nothing stopping anyone from planning something much more devious. "This one thinks you need a bodyguard from now one, whenever you're on land in Liyue."

Beidou glanced back and then up at him. "First of all, that's going to feel really, really weird. Secondly, you think I should go? To meet these businesspeople at Xinyue Kiosk?"

Xiangling piped up, wrapping the damp towel comfortably around Beidou's head: "I'll be back! I've brought Beidou her favorite stir-fry." She bounded off and out of the cabin, running upstairs to the deck.

Kazuha smiled and continued, "This one's two suggestions are connected. If ane-gimi can respond to this letter, to meet this business gathering at the appointed time... well, won't it be a chance to tell your side of the story? But, of course, this one would be coming with you," he added, "hence the bodyguard idea. You're the captain of the Crux, after all. You have status and clout, no matter how the snobbish gentry or wealth-obsessed businessmen try to talk you down. And you're in physical danger now."

Juza nodded in agreement. "I couldn't have said it better myself, Kaedehara-kun."

Beidou sighed as the door to her cabin opened, and Xiangling half-ran, half-stumbled in, three platters of piping-hot, delicious Liyue dishes balancing on her two arms. The pirate leader glanced at the elegantly scrawled letter on her table, picked it up, and looked darkly at the text again:

Captain Beidou of the Crux,

We are an informal collective of merchants, small and large, that have banded together to bring you to justice.

Your recent, unprovoked assault on Yanshang Teahouse has sent shockwaves through the business community of this great port. We are uncomfortable with the fact that your ship, with its crew of thugs, comes and goes as it pleases, aided and abetted by certain short-sighted interests. We are distressed by the fact that you can raid businesses at any time you choose, on your personal whim, unhindered and unchecked. We are angry by the fact that the Millelith do not haul you to prison, nor do the Qixing stand up to you.

We have gathered at Xinyue Kiosk to decide how best to respond to your lawlessness.

If you would like to speak to our members personally – if you have a spine and a conscience – come to us at dinnertime tomorrow night, the day you receive this message.

Come see us, if you have the honor to face the debts you owe and we are going to collect.


The business chambers of Liyue

Beidou exhaled loudly again. "My heart wants to go against you on this, Kazuha, but it sounds pretty reasonable. I wanted to put a bit of the fear of Haishan into those punks at Yanshang. Especially that Chuyi, I can't stand her. But I don't want to screw up Ningguang's business world. I'm not here to set the whole place on fire. I'm a protector of Liyue."

"Then let's make that clear to your enemies, ane-gimi," said Kazuha, his tender red eyes shining. "We'll keep our eye on our surroundings. No one's saying we aren't surrounded by enemies. But now's the time to show that we value friends, as well." He put a gauntleted hand on Beidou's shoulder. "And this one, of course, will watch your back."

Beidou winked with her good eye up at him. "As you always do," she said, accepting his offer graciously. Despite her physical strength and martial prowess, Beidou's greatest advantage was simply that her crew was a family and looked out for each other. No one was ever alone. "Xiangling," she cried, withdrawing her legs and sitting forward, slamming her fist on the table. "Let's try out your amazing cooking. Juza, you're joining us. And then, we anchor in Liyue Harbor!"


It was suspiciously quiet on the streets as Beidou and Kazuha, who walked slightly behind her, made their way to the sumptuous Xinyue Kiosk, the representative restaurant for Yue food. Before arriving at the Sea of Clouds district, Beidou had strode past the "UNDER REPAIRS" sign hastily hung by the wrecked façade of Yanshang Teahouse. The workers that were scurrying in and out of the establishment paid her no heed. It felt a bit surreal.

"Usually there's a three-month waiting list, so at least we get to have dinner here tonight. I usually never eat at places like this," said Beidou, as they ascended the steps to the gently-lit entrance.

"That's a nice and positive angle to look at it, ane-gimi," observed Kazuha affectionately, smiling at her.

"Ah, shut it," chortled Beidou, knocking on the door of the restaurant. She was hungry, she had to admit. "Hey, isn't there usually a waitress here to receive us?" She shrugged away her puzzlement, opening the door, and stepped in.

Then the candles went out.

The restaurant was completely dark, and Beidou and Kazuha were submerged in blackness. Not even the usual tables and chairs were visible. Then, as Beidou felt her heart sink as she heard two scurrying forms slam the door she'd opened shut. There was no point in bursting back out, not before handling the dozen blades that were now glimmering in the darkness.

As if reading each other's minds, Kazuha and Beidou sprung to each other, their backs pressed against each other. "Watch out, ane-gimi!" warned Kazuha, drawing his katana. "The merchants... I should've known they'd try this. I'm glad I came here with you."

"Ya don't need to tell me," cried Beidou, raising her Blackcliff Slasher, her hand on the greatsword's grip tightening.

Assassins? From who? she thought wildly to herself.

For now, it didn't matter as several shadowy forms dashed at the pair, falling upon the Crux duo.

"We're under attack!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2023 ⏰

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