Part 12

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You walked up to Denki's front door and rang the doorbell.

You patiently waited for him to walk to the door but being the annoying little shit he was, he decided take forever to do so.

After what seemed to be forever, he finally walks up to the door and opens it up.

He was shirtless and had on some white sweatpants that fit underneath his hips.

"Seriously?" You remark.

"What?" Denki says leaning on the side of his doorframe.

"You could atleast put a fuckin shirt on." You roll your eyes.

"I don't wanna." Denki grins.

"You think this is funny?"


You sigh then shove past him to get into his house.

He shuts the door behind you and you follow him up to his room.

You lay down on his bed and breathe in deeply.

"Why are you on my bed?"

"I'm tired."

Denki stares at you blankly before walking closer to his bed.

"Go to sleep, I'll finish the project off." He says

"You will?"

"Didn't I just say that dumbass?" Denki scoffs.

"I'm just kind of shocked I guess, but thanks."

Denki shakes his head then walks over to his computer.

You roll over on his bed and slowly drift off to sleep.

The project took about three hours to be completed. When Denki was done he turned around to see if you had woken up yet.

You were sleeping soundly like a baby. He found it kind of cute.

He decided to let you sleep for a bit while he played a video game with his friends. Of course, the silence didn't lasr long. You were awakened by Denki laughing hysterically while Bakugou yelled at him from the other end of the line.

"Seriously Kaminari." You groan.

He removes his headset from one of his ears to hear what you were saying.

"What?" He responds.

"You're supposed to be continuing the project."

"I already finished it." He says, placing the side of his headset he had previously removed back on to his ears.


You slowly get off of his bed and walk towards the area where you had dropped your bag.

You pick it up and place it unto your back.

"Hold on guys I'll be right back." Denki says.

You assume that he was just talking to whoever he was playing with.

He sets his headset down and darts his head over to your direction.

"Leaving so soon?" He says with a fake pout.

"Yeah, You finished the project so I technically have no reason to be here anymore."

"Well I want you to stay-I mean not in here but I mean like...I want you to stay...with me" He says.

"Okay? What do you wanna do?" You ask.

"Let's skate, we haven't done that in a while." He smiles.

"But I don't have my board."

"I have way too many you can just borrow one of them." He says, pointing you towards the closet filled with his skateboards.

You grab a random one then head towards him. "Let's make this quick I have stuff to do at home."

He tells his friends goodbye and grabs his board then you both head down to his driveway.

"Hurry up." He says, pushing his board forward and dashing infront of you.

You hop on the board he had let you borrow and push fowrward until you were infront on him.

"Slow ass motherfucker." You chuckle as you continue pushing yourself forward.

"Oh hell no." He groans trying to catch up with you but you just kept leaving him behind.

You continue laughing as you turn the corner sharply.

Denki does the same and at this point you both were going at the same speed.

His mouth forms into a smirk then he pushes you unto the grass which was growing at the side of the road and continues going.

"Really dumbass." You say, rolling your eyes and picking youself up.

You dust your clothes off and scoff before getting back on the skateboard and trying to catch up with him again.

Eventually you both got tired of skating so you decided to head back to Denki's house.

Once you get to his room you sit on his couch and take a deep breath.

"That was exhausting." You let out.

Denki nods his head in agreement, "You thirsty?" He asks.

You shake your head, "No im fine, thanks for asking though."

Denki sighs and takes a seat next to you.

"I'm glad that you aren't just completely ghosting me anymore." Denki remarks.

"Didn't really have a choice." You roll you eyes.

"Really." Denki sighs.

"I'm kidding. I realised i was being quite dumb for choosing not to talk to you so i hope we can get past that." You say.

Denki nods his head in response.

"So um...since we're done with the project we don't really have an excuse to hang out anymore." He says with a chuckle.

"I guess...we can still hang out and skate though." You suggest.

Denki nods, "Good idea. C'mon I'll drop you home."

He leads you down to his car and you enter the passenger seat. He gets into the driver's seat then starts driving to your place.

Once he drops you off you wave him goodbye and he exits your driveway.

Now all that was left to do was for you two to present it.



𝚕𝚘𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗: 𝚄𝙰 𝙷𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚜𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚕

𝙼𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚊𝚢: 10:45𝚊𝚖

"Goodmorning to you all, I hope your day has been good thus far. We're going to start off the day by going through the projects. I'll be calling you up pair by pair." Aizawa says, grabbing his clipboard to start calling roll.

"Ill be calling roll before you start presenting. When I call your name please say "Present" you know the drill." He says.

He calls everyone's name before finally getting to Denki's.

"Denki Kaminari."

There was no response meaning that he was absent.

Did this stupid ass boy really just leave you to do the entire presentation on your own?

A/N: This chapter is unedited btw. Also I'm finally going to start posting on this book again yay

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