really the first day in school!

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you walk into your new school. it is beautiful. it kinda looks like Hogwarts. you walk to the receptionist lady. 

" hi am y/n and I am new," you say.

" oh hi dear, I am miss. lodge," she said. " here is your timetable, you first have English. so it is on the second floor, by the first door! I will call your English teacher to let you sit next to someone with the same timetable as you." 

" okay thanks," you said and you walk up the stairs.

" and don't get lost darling," she shouted at you while you walked away.

you get to the classroom and you were a bit late so everybody already sat down. they all look at you while your English teacher welcomes you. 

" hi, you must be y/n," he says.

" yup that's me," you say. 

" you can go sit next to Jackson."

" that's me," Jackson says why he raises his hand. 

you walk over to him and you sit next to him. 

" So today we are going to have it about.." your teacher begins but you couldn't hear the rest because Jackson starts to speak to you. 

" so you're the new kid huh?" Jackson asks.

" yup that's me," you say while you look shocked at him because his name is also Jackson just like your best friend when you were 6.

" Why do you like so scared."

" oh, I just use to have a friend that was called Jackson when I was younger. I use to live her to."

" So you moved away and then you moved back again?"


" Wait I think that I am your neighbor. did you move into that white house with a red roof?"

" yes, wait are you the same Jackson. Did your best friend move out when you were 6?"

" Omg y/n? is that really you?!" 

" Yup, is your last name Passaglia?"

" yes!"

you admittedly hug him while he hugs you back. Everybody was looking even your teacher.

"do yall know each other already?" your teacher asks.

" yup she was my best friend when we were 6 but she moved away. but now she is back!" Jackson says. 

" oh well, that's beautiful. but can yall maybe keep the excitement for after class?" 

you nod. you can't believe it, he is the same Jackson!

~ iieeee another chapter done! do yall like it?~

word count: 416

Jackson and his 'bestfriend'Where stories live. Discover now