The day it all began

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I was taken into hospital after a suicide attempt at first their words were "You can leave whenever you like if you go in voluntarily." Which is what I done. I chose the the least restrictive option to me the one that I have choices over my care but that was their first lie. I was soon put on a section 2 that keeps you for 28 days " to give you time to get better" Their second lie to me I went from a section 2 to a section 3 keeping me for up to 6 months. So already not much trust in the system I'm expected to adjust to my new enviroment and engage with the staff that will be looking after me. 

I was located in room 2. There where 3 corridors but this was the main one. It was also the longest having the most rooms. I took a wonder around the ward to familiarize myself with where I was when came across a girl not too different from myself reserved, sat alone fazed out.

I go up to her and ask her name "Courteney" she replied with a shy mimic. I then introduced myself before the doctor came to talk to me.

"So why did you do what you did" she had no emotion in the way she spoke. Again going over the same information I had already spoken about why not hand it all over and stop putting me through having to go through it and relive it all again.

She then checked all my physical observations heart rate, blood pressure, weight , temperature, ECG the list goes on I must have been in there and hour. We then went back to the plain meeting room.

It had a book case filled with books that looked on their last legs yet the way the shelf was stacked it was clear it was not used. it was all 4 white walls with about 6 chairs surrounding a mini coffee table. I guess this is where they do their meeting. Thy could spruce it up ait i thought as DR. Sandra then started by drug chart. The whole process of checking me in took about 5 hours.

By this time it was about 10pm I nervously went back out and luckily Courteney was still sat out there we sat for hours getting to know each other and chatting nonsense.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2021 ⏰

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