06. The Norms of a Princess

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"Are you sure you do not want me to accompany you?" Dylan asked and Camilla nodded.

"It is better I face her weather alone," Camilla assured. "Thank you for today Oliver."

'Oliver' nodded, giving the princess a warm smile. Camilla waved goodbye at him as she exited the royal estate gardens and walked into the royal estate. The blonde tried to stop her hands from shaking as she neared her room. She hoped she would not bump into her Mother, she wanted to postpone the lecture that awaited her.


       Camilla winced as she slowly turned on her heel. "Hey, Flora."

       Flora stood in front of Camilla, now dressed in a full horse riding attire: khaki pants, white shirt, and a burgundy blazer. She had her black helmet tucked under her arm and her brown locks were tied back in a bun.

       "Your Mother was right," she said as she walked over to Camilla, who gave her a pout.

       Camilla sunk into a nearby stool. "I am as good as dead."

        Flora took the empty spot near Camilla, giving her sister-in-law a sympathetic smile. "Where did you run off to?"

       "Promise not to tell my Mother?"

       Flora nodded, raising her pinky which caused Camilla to smile. Camilla interlocked her pinky with that of Flora's before confessing what she had been up to.

       "I went on a rendezvous with Oliver Somerset." Camilla sighed.

       "The Duke of Somerset?"

       Camilla nodded. "We went to the movie theater after I told him I have never been to one. Flora, it was spectacular! He complimented my hair, he stayed despite not understanding what the heck they were saying in the movie and he...he made me feel special."

       "He seems like a good man," Flora noted.

       "I just fear Mother won't approve of us courting once she finds out about today." Camilla frowned.

       "You seem really smitten by this Duke."

       "It is not like I am in love with him, but I would like to get to know him more. Flora, his way with words, the way he goes out of the norm. It does not feel formal, more like normal, ordinary dating. And he likes me for me, no mention of titles or what future title and assets he might gain."

Flora bit back her smile. She was happy that Camilla had been able to find someone she connected with in midst of all the bachelors. The young Queen knew it would not be long for Camilla to fall head over heels and she just hoped Oliver would remain a good man.

"There you are you wicked child!" Rebecca's voice echoed through the halls and Camilla swallowed the lump in her throat. "Flora, would you please excuse us?"

Flora gave Camilla an apologetic expression. "Good luck," she whispered before walking away.

"Not only did you miss your etiquette lecture, but you were caught in a rendezvous!" Rebecca yelled, her hands on her hips and her scarlet lips pressed in a hard line.


       "You could have asked, child." Rebecca's voice softened. "I would have allowed you to go with the Duke, but you chose to do it your own way."

       Camilla was taken aback by her Mother's words. Rebecca walked over to her daughter and sat beside her. "I do not want you labeled as a thorn," Rebecca explained. "I will help you find a husband, whom ever you choose, but you have to have trust in me."

"I know," Camilla sighed as she rested her head on her mother's shoulder, accepting her embrace.

"I presume this Duke Somerset has made quite an impression if you were willing to get in trouble." Rebecca mumbled as she ran her fingers through Camilla's locks.

Camilla snickered. "He says you are wrong about my natural hair."

"Is that so?"

"He says he likes it better as is." Camilla grinned.

"A man who appreciates you for you is great option for a suitor and a possible future husband." Rebecca replied. "He seems like a great match for you and I will support your courting as long as you abide by the rules from here on out."

"I promise," Camilla replied, happy that her Mother had not been too harsh.

The rest of the week went by in a boring blur. Her actions did not go without punishment and Camilla was forced to stay inside all day either studying or partaking in her etiquette lessons. It was not until Friday afternoon when she had been practicing her posture with Madam Lilian in the royal garden that Camilla finally saw 'Oliver'. Dylan had spent the rest of his week coming up with a plan to steal the royal sapphire. However, that Friday afternoon he had decided to relax his mind from his planning and enjoy a nice day in the royal garden.

"This beautiful day has been made even brighter by your presence." Dylan said as he walked over to Camilla.

"And yet another cheesy pickup line, your grace." Camilla teased as she tried to balance the book on her head but failed when the book dropped onto her hands.

"I thought this was only used in the movies," Dylan replied as he took the book from Camilla and placed it back on her head.

"I wish it was! It gives me such a bad neck pain."

"It shouldn't be that hard." Dylan took the book back and placed it on his head. However, it was not as easy as it seemed. "See, I—I am doing it."

"You are meant to look like a beautiful, flawless swan." Madam Lilian's voice could be heard from behind the couple as she returned from her bathroom break. "Not like you are a chicken ready to lay an egg."

Dylan composed himself as he handed the book back to Camilla was holding back her fit of laughter. "I am sorry ma'am."

"Madam," Madam Lilian corrected, glaring at Dylan. "Now, your grace, if you shall excuse us, the Princess and I shall continue our lessons elsewhere."

       "Sorry," Camilla whispered before being dragged away to another session of boredom, but that was the life of a princess and she could not complain.

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