20. There Are No Happy Endings

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Camilla stirred awake as the bright sun rays peeked into her room. She could not hold back her smile while stretching. When she looked down and found her sand-covered shoes next to the bed, she knew that last night was not just a dream.

There was a light knock at the door and the princess quickly kicked her dirty shoes under the bed. Her Mother walked in with one of the maids who carried a gown.

"La mia bambina (my little girl), you are awake?" Rebecca was surprised to see her daughter up and ready at such an early hour. It was seven in the morning, but when it came to the princess that was super early. Camilla had a tendency to wake up until ten or eleven.

"Yes," Camilla grinned from ear-to-ear.

"Well, this is perfect timing because we have some guests that will be arriving to celebrate you engagement," Rebecca said excitedly. She grabbed the gown that the maid was carrying and neatly placed it on Camilla's bed. "Change into this and meet us downstairs."

Camilla grimaced at the dress. It was a light blue color that complimented her pale skin, but it had puffy sleeves and too much embroidery. The dress looked like it reached her ankles.

"Must I wear this?" Camilla whined.

Rebecca narrowed her eyes at her daughter. "Please just wear the dress without protest? It is not that bad and I made sure it did not include a corset this time."

       "Alright mamma," Camilla sighed in defeat.

       "Lucia, please help my daughter get ready," Rebecca instructed before leaving the room.

       "Come, your highness," Lucia helped then princess out of the bed and walked over to the large bathroom to prepare her rose water bath.

       After Camilla was cleaned up and her hair pulled into the usual neat waves, Lucia helped her slide into the satin dress her mother had chosen. Camilla had to admit that it was not that uncomfortable compared to other gowns she had been forced to wear in the past.

       "Your hair is always in this same hairstyle," Lucia noted as she brushed the princess's hair. "How about I placed it into a loose bun?"

       "I would like Lucia, thank you," Camilla said gratefully.

       "Done," Lucia smiled proudly as she finished clipping the pearl necklace around Camilla's neck.

       There was another knock at the door and Dylan peeked his head through. Camilla's lips immediately curved into a wide smile.

       "You look beautiful, my love," Dylan said as he took his time to admire Camilla's beauty. He could not believe that this woman was his.

       "You do not look to bad yourself, your grace," Camilla grinned as she walked over to Dylan. He took her hands in his and pecked both her cheeks. Camilla savored the sweet action.

       "Shall we get going?"

       Camilla nodded as she interlocked her hand with Dylan's as the pair made their way down the stairs and into the royal lounge where her family was awaiting.

       "Hi, I am so happy you guys could make it," Flora gushed as she greeted the guests. Dylan and Camilla turned to one another as they entered the royal dinning hall, where only close friends and family of the royal family were allowed.

       "You know that we take any chance we can get to come and visit," a female said as she hugged Flora and then Hayden.

       A blonde man stood next to her. Both of their backs were faced toward the incoming couple. They were William and Ella, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

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