Two Trucks Part:3(But Pegging)

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(Monster/LD is called Neil in this chapter)

Lila had gone out to do some errands, and Skid was busy playing with Pump at his house. Which meant a whole lot of free time for the monster!

... He then realized that without the carnal lust and culinary art of flesh, he basically had no other hobbies.

He could try phoning Patty, but he remembered her saying something along the lines of 'Do not call, look, or hunt for me. I am going to get laid tonight, and you are not going to ruin it.'

Boredom was a mundane mistress, and thus, when he spotted a familiar white van a couple of blocks away, he couldn't help, but investigate if it was the strange human named Frank.

The human reminded him of himself a few months ago when he met the boys. Always lurking around, luring people in with false promises of kinship before unveiling a vile scheme before their eyes. He wasn't exactly sure why Frank targeted children, however, but he figured the less he knew, the less Lila would worry.

"Do you miss it?"

The lemon creature glanced at the shady eyes of his companion, the only visible part of his body being from the neck up as he was content with sitting in his van.

"... Miss what?"

"You know what I mean," he chuckled. "I heard all sorts of crap you used to pull in that abandoned house, but now you're pussy-whipped to that purple broad."

The monster had to admit, there has been a lot of changes to his behavior the past few months, and he couldn't lie, it was in fact due to Lila and the boys. Of course, he still loved to partake in eating flesh from time to time. It amazed him how many stray cats wandered around the neighborhood without a care in the world!

Still, the suggestion of being submissive to a human left a sour taste in his mouth.

"I am not 'pussy-whipped' to anyone, Frank." He growled, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Lemon. Monster. My friend." He enunciated each word with a pop. "You are completely tied to the end of this girl's leash! No offense, but it's kind of cramping my style."

"Your style?" The monster huffed, uncrossing his arms to get a better view of the van-driving human. "Even I dress better than you, and that's not saying much."

He shook his head nonchalantly. "I meant the kind of style where people take one look at my ugly mug, and they'll start to feel uneasy. Start to wonder if they're really safe." Frank shifted in his seat, looking for a certain bottle for the moving bag behind them. "But hey, I can't blame you. If I landed a hot piece of ass like that I might consider-"


The child kidnapper stopped, a sudden feeling of dread enveloping him. He slowly turned his head, only to be met with his friend's wild, ferocious eyes staring daggers at him, and yet, his mouth was still formed in the same smile he always had. "I could care less what you call me, Frank, " he spat, digging his nails into the human's shoulder. "But my mate has a name, and whether or not I am present, you will address her by her full name."


The monster's grip tightened, causing Frank to wince as blood began to leak from his shoulder.

"Her. Name."

"I don't even know that chick's name!" He blurted, struggling to keep still.

He growled, bringing his face closer to his. "It's Lila."

"Lila! Lila!"

The monster sighed blissfully, letting go of his partner in crime's shoulder. "Lila..." he muttered, eyes staring absentmindedly ahead. "Such a pretty name, don't you agree?"

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