Part 6

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All italics represents thoughts.
I am sorry it is a short chapter. Enjoy.
Monday, May 28, 2012.

Daichi "Why have you never told me?"

Sugawara "I-I guess... I was scared."

Daichi "Of what?"

Daichi slides down and leans on Sugawara.

Sugawara "Treating me differently."

Daichi "I would never."

Sugawara "..."

Daichi "Suga, I would never. Your sexuality doesn't change anything."

Sugawara tries to smile as he starts crying. Daichi hugs him as Sugawara sobs into Daichi's shirt.

Sugawara "I-I d-didn't want to l-lose you."

Daichi tightens his arms around Sugawara.

Daichi "You will never lose me because of something like this."

Sugawara nods and tries to calm himself.

Daichi "B-but there is something I don't understand."

Sugawara "What?"

Daichi "What does this have to do with Yui and I dating?"

Sugawara "..."

Sugawara gulps and stares at Daichi.

Sugawara "Well, that is the rest of what I wanted to tell you."

Daichi "Okay?"

Sugawara "Mmmm... I..."

Sugawara starts playing with his fingers and looking all over the roof trying to avoid eye contact with Daichi.

Daichi "What is it, Suga?"

Sugawara "T-the real reason I started avoiding you is..."

Daichi "What is it?"

Sugawara "I don't want things to be weird between us if I told-"

Daichi "Do you have feelings for me?"

Sugawara widens his eyes at Daichi's words.

Sugawara "H-how?"

Daichi "Well, I just figured it out."

Daichi "I knew something was off about your reaction."

Daichi "And I was talking with my mom about it, and she thought that is a normal reaction if the person likes me."

Daichi "I was confused, but after you told me about your sexuality. It made sense."

Sugawara "..."

Sugawara "..."

Daichi sighs and looks at Sugawara's shocked expression.

Daichi "Listen Suga, you are a wonderful person, but I am straight. I will never look at you like that."

Sugawara "..."

Daichi "Suga-"

Sugawara "Are you fine with this?"

Sugawara "You are alright with me having feelings for you even if I was a guy."

Daichi "Yes, but I can never return them. I-"

Sugawara "This won't change anything between us, right?"

Daichi "No, unless you want to."

Sugawara "No, I want us to be friends."

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