Chapter 1|A Fresh Start At Life

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Bad Blood: A Fresh Start At Life

Maia's Pov

My name is Maia, I was an adopted runaway teen by the age of fourteen, my dream was always to become a lawyer and now that I'm twenty four, I can accomplish my dream. I'm in my second year of college studying Criminal Law. It's pretty tough but this is my only escape from reality. I had a rough childhood. Being adopted wasn't easy, I was never wanted, until this family of four adopted me.

Everything was great in the beginning, but after that they were nothing but cruel. They treated me differently, like a pile of shit while the other's were treated like saints. My adopted siblings were never saints. They would belittle me and abuse me, until one day I snapped.

I will never forget that particular day. I got into a heated argument with my adoptive parents on top of the staircase, they started calling me names and mom- actually she's not my mom, the point is she pushed me so I pushed back and little did I know I accidentally pushed her down the stairs too hard along with her husband. After that I left the house and never came back.

They did file a missing person's case on me since I haven't returned for a few days. Keep in mind I was fourteen. I didn't know how to drive a car so I walked miles and miles not knowing where I was going.

I walked for a couple days and I stumbled upon an open shelter. The lady who owned the shelter was super nice. I never met anybody who was that nice too me.

I never saw that lady ever since I left the shelter but maybe one day who knows.

Today I start a new life hopefully this new life of mine would start off better than my old life.

As Maia walks the streets, she breaths in the fresh air, she had to be honest, she was afraid of starting her second year of college since her first year wasn't easy. As she enters class she remembers a few faces, one being her ex Chase, they were on and off for about two years. She shields her face with her hand to avoid possible eye contact. Anything to avoid him.

As soon as the bell ranged, proffesor Dougran entered the class. She has heard a lot about him with some people saying he was the best and others saying he was the absolute worst. Despite his politness, he puts fear into some of his students.

He introduces himself to the class with half of the students eager to learn from him and the other half dreading it.

"Hello everyone My name is Proffesor Dougran but you can call me Doug. Today's lesson will be the Law of Sentencing."

One of the students snickered and asked, "Isn't it too early for that Doug?"

Chase had a laugh and Maia much to her dislike had noticed.

Joe Gunner. A lawyer in the making. He thinks he's funny but really he's just an ass. He's very well known in the college thanks to his dad who's a lawyer.

Proffesor Dougran pulled down his glasses slightly.

Checked his student list and pulled his glasses back up.

"Ahh that's right Joe Gunner. Your dad works for me you might as well behave." He said turning around towards the board.

Joe rolled his eyes very displeased of the mention of his father.

"Alright I will assign you a partner. Joe you are with Sienna, Mark go sit next to Alexa, Alex your with Natasha, Carlos and Fae, Aaron and Sasha, and Chase and Maia."

Oh great this day turned into a shitty day already.

"Ok, class begins go sit next to your assigned partners."

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