Chapter 2|A Lawyer's Dream A Singer's Retirement

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Bad Blood: A Lawyer's Dream, A Singer's Retirement

Decatur, Illinois 2:00pm

Maia's Pov

Chase was supposed to come to class but instead ended up ditching with Joe.

As I'm reminded of our past relationship I can't seem to figure out why I dated him in the first place.

He was nothing but a cheat. My friends said that I deserved better but of course I didn't listen to them, I was completely in love with him at the time.

My proffesor isn't so bad so I don't know why some people hated him.

Maia still waiting for Chase, was approached by her proffesor.

"I see Chase isn't here."

She made eye contact with him and noded.

"I'll tell you what, if he doesn't come tomorrow I'll let you work on your own I can see you are a very smart student so you'll be fine." He said.

"Thank you." She replied slightly smiling.

She notices Chase and Joe outside the door being there usual loud selves.

"Your late, take your seats with your partner."

Chase makes his way towards Maia. As they make eye contact Maia couldn't help but roll her eyes as he approaches her.

He sits next to her looking her way. "Hey." He spoke not really expecting an aswer out of her. "Hi."

"How have you been?" He asked.

"Well." She replied.

They make eye contact and almost immediatly he reaches in for a quick kiss Maia notices this and gives him a quick slap.

"Hey what the hell!" He semi-shouted.

"You explain yourself! You almost kissed me!" She shouted back.

"Maia! Chase! No making out in my class!" The proffesor shouted. All the adults in the class made faces, some in pure shock and some laughed.

"Principals office! Now!" He sternly tells them.

Maia and Chase looked at eachother pissed off now.

They both walked the halls with Maia way in the front and Chase way in the back.

"Maia wait!" Chase shouted. "Let me explain!" He catches up to her and touches her shoulder.

"There is nothing for you to explain we are broken up remember!" She shouted.

"Quit shouting! People are staring at us!" He shouted back.

"Ughh!" Maia ignored him as she walked away and Chase looked defeated regretting his actions as he followed.

Shae's Pov

Today is the day I meet with my manager kinda nervous about since I didn't answer her call.

This meeting is very important apparently so for me to miss it was out of the question.

She enters the studio and almost immediately her manager called her out on the missed call.

"Why didn't you answer my call?" She asked turning her chair around.

"Listen Maria the reason why I didn't answer was because I was busy." She replied throwing her purse on the couch.

"That's still no excuse, what exactly were you doing?" She asked.

Shae can feel Maria's eyes burning on her behind her back.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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