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"I pledge my allegiance to you, my body and soul are yours, Satsuki Kiryuin, that I swear."

Upon a battlefield, lie over a thousand unconscious forms, some women the rest men, all looking anywhere from ten to eighteen.

Of those thousand some stood one man, age twelve, he was the leader of said group.

Across from him stood five people, four of whom who's names are unknown to the lone man, but the last, a girl just taller than himself, stood Satsuki Kiryuin, sole daughter of Ragyo Kiryuin, who was in charge of a company which revolutionized clothing.


You would be a fool to not recognize the name Kiryuin.

The lone boy was breathing heavily, and looked physically drained, and yet at looking at his face you could see how determined of a boy he was, how clear it was that he still had much fight left in him.

"You are bleeding, and your army has fallen, and only now you wish to align yourself among my ranks?" Satsuki asked, her eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"That was before you have proven yourself, for you to have singlehandedly done this to our entire school, I am appalled, and yet deeply intrigued, and as such I would like to work under you, who clearly has a goal bigger than my own." The boy responded, dropping down to one knee.

"You say you pledge your loyalty?" Satsuki asked, taking a step forward. "And how will you prove that you are truly loyal?" She asked, interest piquing.

The boy grit his teeth, and stood up, his fiery passionate eyes meeting Satsuki's own cold calculating ones.

"Strike me, one blow, as hard as you can, if I make even a sound of pain, cry, move an inch, then I am clearly unfit to be your underling." The boy said.

With that, he ripped his already tattered shirt off his body, slapping his chest with a hand and taking a deep breath. "I am ready, should you accept!" He shouted.

There was silence, for but a moment, until quiet laughter started to pipe up from one of the four behind Satsuki.

"Pfft, hahahaha! Is he serious? Satsuki sent them all flying just swinging her sword, and he wants her to hit him? He's asking to die! Hahahahahaha!" A small girl with a pink eyes and hair, with a hat on that reminded the boy of something he had seen in a marching band.


"Silence Jakazure! This is lady Satsuki's decision to make!" A large man shouted, arms firmly crossed and chest puffed out, he also had dark brown eyes and slicked back short blond hair.


"Hmph, I've already collected all the data I need, there is no probability where he comes out of this unscathed, he will fail." A lean boy said, pushing up his glasses and sighing. He had dark brown eyes as well, with bright, shining blue hair.


"Hah! I like his spirit! I'd totally challenge him myself if he wasn't about to die!" Another boy said, he too had a lean build, and held a cocky smirk as he held a wooden rod across him, the lone boy couldn't tell just what kind of weapon it was, but he did note the other boy had dark green eyes with equally green hair.


"Hmph, very well, prepare yourself." Satsuki responded, accepting the lone boy's proposition.

She stepped forward, the clacking of her heels echoing around the empty air as she did so, and as such she continued, stepping closer and closer, until she was but a couple of steps from touching the boy.

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