The View

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Despite their upcoming marriage, Queen Yongsun wanted to keep her distance. She wanted to avoid attachment with the Prince. But as she stares at her large window, the Prince riding with her sister in view, she can't help but feel as if she's...mad. She didn't want to acknowledge it, but pretending that she's unaffected won't do her any good. She's allowed to be a little possessive about her betrothed, right? Because what would the people think? That's right. That's the only reason why she's agitated by the fact that the Prince is sitting so close with her sister, as if there's nothing wrong with it. As if she's not to be wed with Yongsun soon enough.

The fabric scroll in the queen's hands crumpled, and if it wasn't for the strength of the wooden stick it would've broken at how tight the queen was holding it.

She couldn't even focus on the fact that both her sisters were outside of the castle without her knowledge. She could only glare at the Prince, and despite the distance, she could assume that Prince Moonbyul is smirking as Wheein blushes. She knows how much of a romantic Wheein is, and how she always wanted a fairytale kind of love. She hates how Moonbyul seemed to be taking advantage of that. She lets out a low groan.


"You two have grown..." Queen Yongsun tries to search for the right word, " appears." she notes. The image of Wheein and Prince Moonbyul riding a horse together replays in her mind.

Princess Wheein can detect just a hint of edge in Yongsun's voice, almost as if she's...jealous. She expected the queen's first question to be about why she and Hyejin were in the woods, in the first place. She guesses the Queen's priority is elsewhere.

Before anyone could answer, the Queen speaks again, "Prince Moonbyul, I hope this is the last time I should remind you that people are watching. They talk. And I don't want to hear any controversies, just because you can't keep your hands to yourself." Yongsun states, her face almost turning into a scowl.

"I don't think I understand what you're trying to insinuate, Your Majesty." Prince Moonbyul replied nonchalantly. If she was feigning innocence, then Queen Yongsun concludes that she's good at it.

"You went into the woods with the princesses without my knowledge." Queen Yongsun stated sternly, her voice cold. "What if something happened to all of you there? If any of you got hurt I-" the queen stops, she can't admit that she wouldn't know what to do, it's not something a queen should say out loud. She realized she had lost her composure so she recollects herself. "And you even killed people...that's unacceptable. You could've avoided that if you stayed here in the castle; like you're supposed to." this time the Queen was looking directly at her sisters. "I thought we had an agreement about that."

Prince Moonbyul knows how much the queen hates violence, and how killing some people might've somehow painted her into a bad light in the queen's perspective, but the prince couldn't help but smile. Because she could only focus on the fact that the queen is concerned about her too. She didn't know why she's even happy that the Queen's concerned about her at all, but she is.

"Do you find this amusing, Your Highness?" Queen Yongsun asks, noticing how the Prince has a smile plastered on her face. She knows the prince is unpredictable, but she expected that the prince wouldn't take this matter so lightly. There were lives taken in the incident.

"Not at all, Your Majesty." The Prince replied. "Forgive me for smiling, it's my first time to see you mad and I find your angry face amusing." she says, instead of admitting what she's really glad about.

The Queen was about to reply but Princess Hyejin chimes in. "The Prince only came to our rescue, Your Majesty. She wasn't with us when the bandits saw us. If anything we should be thankful that the Prince saved us. If it wasn't for her, I don't think we would've made it back safely." she explains. Saving the prince from the Queen's anger is the least she could do for their savior.

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