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Queen Yongsun kept thinking that it's normal for a married couple to kiss. But the kiss she shared with Moonbyul this morning..was something else. Yongsun couldn't put it into words. It was an overwhelming feeling overall, and her mind couldn't seem to stray away from the thought of the King's lips on hers. Despite Byul's rough exterior, there was nothing rough about the way she handled the Queen. The King's lips were soft, and her hands were gentle against her skin. Queen Yongsun unconsciously touches her lips, reliving the kiss more than a healthy amount of times.

Her heart was still fluttering just remembering it.

But she was reminded that the King went out of the castle again, going who knows where. The guards didn't know where the King went. She already tasked two of her guards to go to town and look for the king, but no reports had come back to her yet. She wonders what her wife is doing. There have been attacks of a reported large beast among their forests but she couldn't seem to focus on resolving the issue because her mind was too occupied with her King's whereabouts.

"Byul where are you?" she whispers to herself.

She's not worried that Byul might be in danger because she's pretty sure her King can hold her ground in battle. But she's worried that Byul's the one causing chaos because she's been pretty upset when she left Yongsun alone in their room. Again.

"Do not touch me." the King's voice replayed in her mind. It almost sounded like a growl with how low her voice was.

She wonders why Byul was suddenly overwhelmingly hot against her. It happened all so fast that she was left confounded after Byul's sudden shift.

She shakes her head. This is bad. Yongsun thinks to herself.

It is her duty to protect her people; first and foremost. But it was proven hard to focus on the problem at hand until she cleared things out with Moonbyul. So she abruptly stood from her seat to find her wife.

She almost forgot that there were people in the room with her; the present members of her council looked at her expectantly.

She feels embarrassed for being so absent-minded. But she can't help it. It seemed as if the King brought her thoughts along with her. But she can't just stand and say nothing in front of her council. How can she explain herself without sounding like a lovesick lass? She has to think of a solution; if not a permanent one, at least a temporary remedy to the problem at hand.

"Tell the general to send his best men to the forest. We cannot have any more casualties because of this beast. Tell them to rove the forest and look for this creature that's terrorizing our land. If it really is a beast, then we have to pacify it. If it is a man, then bring them to me. Until further reports are given, I want everyone to stay out of the forest. Queen's orders." The Queen decided. After giving her orders, she excused herself immediately. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have other matters to attend to." 


"Where have you been?" Yongsun asked as soon as Moonbyul entered the room. She spent the entire day looking for the King beyond their castle walls. As far as Yongsun remembers, it was the first time she was able to visit every room in their castle in a day. But to no avail, she wasn't able to find the King. She hoped that her sisters would have an idea of her whereabouts but she came back empty-handed still. She wanted to be mad at Moonbyul for being away the whole day - she's her King, weren't they supposed to solve their kingdoms' problems together now? -  but she was too tired for an argument. "I've been looking for you." she says honestly instead.

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