Chapter 1

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"Bitch, didn't I tell you to clean this fucking house" Karin's boyfriend, Shawn said walking in the house with a half bottle of Hennessy

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"Bitch, didn't I tell you to clean this fucking house" Karin's boyfriend, Shawn said walking in the house with a half bottle of Hennessy.

"I'm sorry, I lost track of time at work an-" she was cut off by shawn's fist connected to her face.

"Did I asked you to speak" he said pushing her against the walk and grabbing her by the chin roughly. She looked at him in fear. "Go get my food, you better not mess that shit up too ugly ass hoe" he said walking away from her and went walked upstairs.

Karin then went to heat up his food that she made earlier. While the food was  heating, she sat down and thought about all the things she been through since they got together.

Shawn and karin met in high school and fell in love. They been together for three years. After two years into their relationship shawn started hitting and cheating on her.

Shawn didn't like the fact that she got a lot of attention when they go out. He was jealous that men always try to get her. He started beating, cheating and degrading her so she wouldn't leave him for someone else.

Karin stayed with him because he was her first boyfriend and she loves him. She was naive and she love hard. She was raised by her mother and older brother, kash. They tried to tell her that Shawn was not good for her and that she deserved better but she didn't listen.

Kash and their mother didn't know shawn has been abusing her. All they know is that Shawn likes to control her. They notice it almost a year into their relationship but it was too late, karin had already fell in love with him.

After two years when the abusing started. Kash tried helping her but she refused because she didn't want him to hurt shawn if he found out he's been hitting her. Shawn forced her to stop speaking to kash and she was only allowed to speak to her mom which only lasted two months when shawn found out her mom was gonna help her leave him.

Beep Beep

Karin's thought was cut off by the microwave. She got up and took out the food and place it on the counter. She went in the fridge and got a bottle of juice and poured it in a glass cup. She grabbed the food and the juice and head upstairs. She walked in their bedroom and saw shawn playing the game "Here you go babe" she said softly. He paused the game and grabbed his food and juice. He unpaused the game then begin to play his game as he ate his food

She walked out the room and begun cleaning the house. When she was finished cleaning she decided to take a shower. After her shower she went in the closet to pick out her clothes. Shawn saw she passed him in her towel going in the closet and got up to follow her.

He hugged her from the back and she flinched. "Baby I'm sorry for snapping on you today I just need you to listen to me" he said kissing her neck. Karin know he is only apologizing because he wants to have sex. He took off her towel and lift her up and carried her to bed.

Shawn took his clothes off and kneeled by the end of the bed and slipped his tongue between her second lips. She started to fake moan as he continued to sucking and licking her pussy. He sticked his finger in and out of her then he got up and put a condom on. He slide his dick in her. "Ahh fuck your pussy tight" he moaned as he picked up his pace. "Yes right there" she continued to fake moan, wanting him to stop. "Who pussy this" he asked going faster. She rolled her eyes and said his. "That's right bitch this is my fucking pussy" he said as his dick twitched indicating he was about to cum. He came in the condom and and pulled out.

He got up and throw it away. He put on his boxers and got back in the bed and fell asleep. "Damn that was horrible" karin mumbled getting up from the bed to put on some clothes to sleep in. She hated having sex with him because he never made her cum. She only do it because she didn't want him to hit her. She got dressed and went back in the bed and went to sleep.



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