Chapter 3

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Karin woke up to loud music coming for downstairs

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Karin woke up to loud music coming for downstairs. She groaned and checked the time and saw it was just 12 pm. She got up to take a shower. She was mad, today was supposed to her day off and she thought after cooking breakfast and cleaning the house earlier. She could have slept longer but she thought wrong. After her shower she put on some comfy clothes and went downstairs.

When she got downstairs she saw shawn and a couple of guys sitting and smoking. She looked over at shawn and saw he had the girl from yesterday sitting on his lap. "What she doing here" I said getting upset. "Go back upstair karin" he said sternly. "No, get that bitch outta here" she said walking closer to them.

"Hoe, you didn't learn when he beat your ass last night " the girl said smirking still sitting on his lap. Who the fuck you calling a hoe" she said going closer to the girl. "You bitch" she said getting up and walk up to karin. "Girl get the fuck out my face" she said. "Bitch, don't be mad your man fucking me" she said smirking at her.

Karin punched in her face making her nose bleed. "Chill the fuck out bro" shawn yelled grabbing her roughly and carry her upstairs in the guest room. "Why you let her disrespect me in our house" she said when he closed the door. "

Bitch this is my house and that's my other girl Chyna so you gonna have to respect her" he said pushing her against the wall and grabbing her neck. "You hear me" he said gripping her neck tightly leaving a bruise. "Yes" she said softly as tears came down her face. "Now wipe your face and cook us some food" he said letting my face go and went back downstairs.

She went in her bathroom and washed her face and wipe it with a face towel. She went downstairs and ignored the stares she got from his friends and new girl. She was completely tired of being with him, she thought that it was time to try to leave again but she was scared he would try to kill her or even worse her baby.

She decided to cook Philly cheesesteak sandwiches. She shared her plate and shawn's plate.

She went in the living room to give shawn his plate and saw that his friends was gone. "Here" I said softly. "Where my plate at?" Chyna asked mugging her. "Get it yourself" she said walking away but was stopped by shawn grabbing my arm. "Bitch go make her plate" he said sternly.

He let go her arm and she walked to the kitchen and shared Chyna's plate. She grabbed both plates then went back in the living room. She give her the plate and saw she was smirking at her. I
She rolled my eyes and went upstairs to eat. Half way into the food she felt the need to vomitt. After puking out everything she ate she washed out her mouth and brushed her teeth.

She went back downstairs and throw away her food wash her plate and their plate. She saw the living room empty so she decided to watch some netflix.


She woke up to someone shaking her "Get the hell up" she heard the person said still shaking her. She opened her eyes and saw it was shawn. "What" she said annoyed. "Bitch get up, gimme some pussy" he slurred "Shawn I'm tired, please let me sleep" she said closing my eyes. "Bitch, I said get the fuck up" he yelled then throw off the couch causing her hit her back and head hard on the floor.

She touched the middle of her head and to see if her head was bleeding but luckily it wasn't. Before she could get up, Shawn hold her down and took off my pants and underwear. "Please don't" she said as she cried. He ignored and stick his dick into her roughly. She winced and cried telling him to stop but he ignored her and went faster. When he was finished he got up and put on his boxers and pant. "Go clean up nasty hoe" he slurred and stumbled upstairs.

She got up and limped upstairs. She went her 'new' room( the guest room). She fulled up the tub with water and soaked her body. She was tired of living this type of life. She wanted better for herself and her baby. She looked down on her noticable stomach and cried. "I want better for you baby" she mumbled as she rubbed my stomach. After a couple more minutes in the tub. She got out and put on some clothes and decided to watch netflix in the room.

She heard her phone vibrate, she grabbed it and saw jayda texted her


Wanna meet tomorrow to catch up?


Sure, what time and where?


We can meet at grub hub at 2.


Okay I'll be there.

She put back her phone on the night stand and decided to go to sleep. She was excited about tomorrow.

Thoughts about Chyna?

Karin is tired, what do you think she should do next?

Meeting with jayda?👀

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