Chapter 4

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Two weeks later~

It's been two week later and karin is on the way to her doctor's appointment

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It's been two week later and karin is on the way to her doctor's appointment. Jayda was meeting her there. They have gotten back close within these two weeks. She told her that her and shawn are still together and was expecting a baby.

Ever since she told her she been excited and supportive but she didn't like the fact she was still with shawn and was pregnant by him. She thought that karin deserves better than him.

Jayda was going with Karin to the appointment because shawn said he doesn't have time for that. Karin was hurt when he said it but she got over it because she had Jayda.

Shawn doesn't know about her talking to jayda. When they meet up. She made sure to leave right after he leaves and come back an hour before he does. She made sure the house was cleaned and his food was was cooked.

Unfortunately, his girlfriend Chyna is still living with them. She treats karin like a maid and talks to on her anyhow she wants and shawn let her. She tried to stand up for her self but he beats her every time she do.

Karin got out her car and went inside the doctor's office. When she walk in she saw jayda sitting down in the waiting room on her phone. "Hey" she said as we reached her. "Hey girl, I wrote your name down. They should be calling you any minute now" jayda said as they hugged.

They sat down and talked while they wait on her name to be called. When her name was called they went to nurse and followed behind her. "The doctor will be right with you" The nurse said as they entered the room.

They thanked her and karin laid on the bed while jayda sat on the chair. "Where we going to eat?" jayda asked after nurse left. "We should eat at grub hub, I have been craving their baked mac and cheese" karin said thinking about it. "Yes, we should, they food be fire" she said. "Ye-" she was about to say but got cut off by the doctor coming in.

"Hi, I'm Dr.Wilson. I will be your doctor for the rest of your pregnancy" The doctor said. "Hi, I'm Karin as you may know and this is jayda the baby's God mother" karin said introducing them. "Nice meeting you both" Dr. Wilson said. She grabbed the ultrasound transducer and put some gel on it. "This gonna be a bit cold" she said. She put it on her stomach and looked at the screen.

Karin shivered by touch of the cold gel then looked up at the screen "That's your baby" Dr. Wilson said as she took pictures. Karin and jayda cooed as they watch the screen.

"Okay that's it for today but your blood pressure is a bit high so I want you to take it easy" Dr. Wilson said wiping the gel off her stomach. "O-okay" she stuttered knowing her blood pressure high because of shawn.

"You guys can wait here while I go print the pictures" she said walking out the room.

As she left karin thought to herself maybe if she talked to shawn about her blood pressure being high and that she could lose the baby. He would lay off of hitting her until the baby came. She hoped that he would consider it because she didn't want to lose her baby.

When she found she was pregnant she was happy but she wasn't happy that it was by shawn because she didn't want her child to grow up and watch their mom get beaten by their daddy.

"Karin you good?" Jayda asked with concerns. "Yeah I'm good I just got lost in my thoughts" she said with a weak smile. "You know you can tell me anything right. I'm always here for you" jayda said looking at her. "Yes I know and I'm fine" she lied looking away from jayda. She didn't want jayda to know that she was lying.

"Okay, here you go" Dr.Wilson said walking into the room and handing karin an envelope. "Thank you" she said taking the envelope then stood up. "You guys have a bless day" the doctor said with a smile. "You too" they both replied then walked out the room

"I'll meet you at the restaurant" jayda said as they walked by their car. "Okay" karin said. They both got in the car and drove to the restaurant.

They both arrived at the same time and went in the restaurant. They took a sit in a booth. You know what you gonna order" karin asked looking at the menu. "Imma get me their famous cheese burger with seasoned fries" jayda said putting her menu down.

"Ouu that sound good" she said still going through the menu. "Welcome to grub hub. My name is Kylie and I will be your waitress today. What would you like to drink" the waitress said with a smile. "Damn you fine as fuck" jayda said bluntly

"I was thinking the same thing" karin said as they looked at Kylie

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"I was thinking the same thing" karin said as they looked at Kylie. "Thanks, yall fine as hell too" she said as she blushed. "Can we get your number you're too beautiful not to be our friend" karin said getting her phone out

Kylie put her number in both of their phones then took their order.

"When you gonna find out the gender of bubba" jayda said using the nickname she came up with. "I think in about 4 months but I want a gender reveal" she said. "Ouu that would be good and I can plan it" jayda said excited.

"Yeah you can do that" she said. "Here you guys go" Kylie said as she placed the food and drinks on the table.

~30 minutes later~

They had finished eating. They were still talking about the gender reveal and waiting on the check. Karin's phone started to ring and she picked it up not looking on the caller ID. "WHERE THE FUCK YOU AT" Shawn yelled in the phone.

"I'm at grub hub getting something to eat " she said in fear. "WHO TOLD YOU COULD GO THERE BITCH" He yelled. "No one" she mumbled. "Come home now" He said sternly and hung up the phone.

Karin grabbed her bag and put a fifty on the table "I'm sorry I got to go" she said rushing. "I tho-" jayda was about to say but she saw the karin ran out the restaurant.

Thoughts about karin?

Thoughts about jayda?

What you think gonna happen next?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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