Chapter 1: The Source of Her Insecurites

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Meet Alexus Miller...

    Alexus' life has been like hell since she was of a very young age. A beautiful and intelligent girl, born and raised in the ghettos of Brooklyn, New York, where she spent about 10 years of her life. She lived with her mother, Elaine Smith. Most of Alexus' family resided in Jamaica. Her older brother, Marcel, and her two younger half sisters, Natalie and Sammy, all lived in Jamaica with her father, Markus Miller. She would visit once in a while.

    Alexus and her brother used to live together with their mother in Brooklyn, but Marcel was sent away to live with their father in Jamaica because he was a little bit of a wild child growing up and needed proper discipline.

    As a result of her brother leaving, Alexus lived a lonely life. Although she still had her mother with her, she felt she needed her brother. She felt like an only child.

    When Alexus was around 10 years old, she was sexually abused. This event changed her life forever and became the ultimate reason her world was turned upside down.

    One night, she stayed over at her aunt Annie and uncle Randy's house near Downtown Brooklyn, a pretty busy neighborhood. Her mother had work that night, so her uncle babysat her while her aunt stayed downstairs in the basement handling paperwork for her job.

    So Alexus stayed in the living room playing games on the computer while her uncle sat on the couch watching TV.

    Uncle Randy decided to pull up a chair next to Alexus to watch her play her game.

    "Every time you lose," he said, "you have to give me a kiss." He looked at her with a very creepy, very sinister smile. Alexus, being only 10 years old, did not think too much of this, nor did she respond. She only gave a nervous smile back and continued on with her game.

    The first couple times Alexus loses her computer game, Uncle Randy only laughs and says to try again. Around her fouth loss, Uncle Randy grabbed her chin, pulling her face so that she was looking at him.

    "You owe me a kiss now," he said, with an almost unbearably toxic breath from smoking and drinking earlier that night.

    Alexus tries to pull away, but he forces his lips onto hers. As he pulls away, he gives another sinister smile, more mischievous this time and more terrifying... Alexus stares at her uncle with surprised, frightened eyes.

    "That was a nice kiss, right?" he asks.
    Still no response from Alexus. She was so shocked that her words seemed to be caught in her throat. She wanted to stop playing her game and go to sleep, but Uncle Randy told her to continue playing. Helpless as she was, Alexus continued playing her game, trying as hard as she could this time, determined to win so that she didn't have to kiss her uncle again. Luckily, she won every game after that and avoided kissing him... for now.

    After a while, Uncle Randy got impatient.
    "Come sit on the couch and watch TV with me," he said. Having no choice, she walked over to the couch and watched Spongebob Squarepants with her uncle. Uncle Randy puts his arm around Alexus' shoulders and begins to feel her breasts with his free hand.

    "What are you doing..." she whispers in fear, her eyes forming tears, watery and innocent.
    "Do you have a boyfriend?" He grins at her with the same sinister smile as before. His smile was so cruel and so demonic that it seemed as if he had no soul. Alexus stared at her 67 year old uncle in complete disgust. The tears that were previously formed began to slowly roll down her cheeks.

    "Don't cry, baby," he said, with seemingly false concern. "You don't have to go out and have immature little boys as boyfriends. I'll be your grownup boyfriend. How does that sound?"

    Before Alexus could answer, he kisses her again, this time sticking his tongue in her mouth.

    "That's how grownups kiss." He laughed.

    "I don't like this," Alexus began to plead. "Please stop. I don't want a grownup boyfriend." But he did not speak. He slowly creeped his hand toward her crotch.

    Don't let anybody touch your private parts. If anyone touches you there, make sure you tell Mommy, okay?

    Alexus began to think of these words that her dear mother said to her all the time. But you're not here, Mommy, she thought. What do i do if you're not here...

                            TO BE CONTINUED...

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2015 ⏰

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