5: Life

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"Okay Maya, so far we think you meet the criteria, we will give you a call in the next few hours if you got the job." The woman sat in front of me and spoke like she's been doing this for a thousand years. And she probably has because she looked like a dinosaur. No disrespect intended.

"Thank you." I smile and stand up while wrapping the strap of my book bag around my shoulder. It's been a week since I've arrived in New York. I haven't seen many sights since I've settled in and I want to take it slow so I don't get bored too quickly.

The messages from Kane have slowed down and I've made sure to spend as little money as possible so I don't bring the transaction amounts to Kane's attention which would be really bad.

I took a cab everywhere I went because I left Kane's car in Nevada. I don't find it annoying per-say I just think it would be more practical to have my own car. And traffic isn't so bad like in the movies.

I go back to my hotel. As soon as I get a job, I'm getting my own place. I have to. I can't stay in this hotel forever, in fact I'm already getting sick of it.

I entered the hotel and I saw him again. The same exact man I saw a week ago, except he was with a group of guys. He sat in the foyer with the guys and just sat back, leaned into the couch.

Is he staying here? Maybe he's running something, maybe he owns that hotel or is the manager. Either way it's not my business. He glances over at me and my heart skips a beat. I feel my cheeks heat up as he doesn't move his eyes, in fact his stare intensifies and so do my heart beats.

Love at first sight? No. Yes. I walk past the couch he's sitting on and make sure to keep my head up, acting as if he isn't there. I walk to the elevator and press the floor I'm staying on.

I feel like I always see those type of guys here. You know, in the black suits and slick black hair, except the guy didn't have his hair slicked back, his hair was shaggy and a lighter brown. Everyone in Nevada was blonde, I swear by it.

I turn around just before the elevator rings, and see the guy has his attention turned way from me. Oh thank God. I mean I looked good for the interview but I just felt like I was about to die right then and there.

I also feel like trying the restaurant that's connected to the hotel. It thought it was a bit odd but the hotel is luxurious and the restaurant looked absolutely delicious. There was a bar too so I thought maybe, just maybe, I could get close to the edge a bit. Not too close though, I don't want to miss the call in case I get the job.

It was maybe six in the evening. I was waiting, and waiting, and waiting. For hours. Because I'm impatient. But then, just as I was about to give up, my phone rings from an unknown number. I hesitate for a moment. It could be Kane, and I always hear of people being able to track phone calls.

I either risk my life or a job. I choose to risk my life. I'm done being scared of him. I'm sick of it. I pick up the phone and nervously bring it to my ear. "Maya Anderson?" I hear a sweet voice speak into the phone. Oh my dear sweet Jesus.

"Yes that's me." I reply. "So it looks like we accepted your application, you'll be starting tomorrow." I can practically feel her smile through the phone. I try to hold back my excitement and I thank her.

Yes yes yes! I can finally start my new life. And get the hell out of this hotel. Not that's it's bad, it's just getting on my nerves, seeing the same painting at least three times a day.

I feel so happy. Or do I? I can't remember the feeling. I can't remember the last time I was really happy. I feel like I could jump off the roof but instead of falling to my death, I would fly.

Gory, yeah but it's the only real way to describe the amazing feeling that's going on in my body right now. I plop onto my bed and just sigh. Because this is where my life begins.

I get the chance to put Kane, and Nevada, and the rest of the horrible things that have happened to me in the past and instead, I get to look forward. I get to experience things I never have. I get to smell the fresh air whenever I want and I get to eat whatever I want without having to clean glass up.

I get to breathe. In and out. Finally. Just finally. I feel like I don't have to pray every night for a bridge to jump off of or a rope to tie up and hang from a ceiling fan, I get to pray that the next day be like the one before, because I just know that the days after this one, are going to be great. And refreshing.

Maybe I'll get a chance to love again. And live again. Maybe I will. Just maybe.

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