Prolouge: The Sorting Ceremony

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Yay, a new fan fiction. With Klance and other amazing ships! Yay!

Lance shifted nervously among the other first years. In only a matter of weeks he had been told that he was a wizard, introduced to the wizard society, and enrolled in a school for wizards.
Next to him a white haired boy smoothed out his robe and scoffed. "There are far too many mud bloods in this class. I do hope none of them end up in Slytherin".
Lance blinked. "Excuse me, but what is a mud blood?". The white haired boy looked at Lance as if he was covered in mud and tromped off.
"Don't mind him," a voice said and Lance jumped. Behind him was a small boy with black hair and purple eyes. "He's a pure blood, they only ever think of themselves. If your parents aren't wizards they won't accept you. My name's Keith".
Lance shook his hand nervously. "Thank you, I'll be sure to stay away from him in the future". Keith smiled and drifted away. (An: I know that they sort students in order of name but for this fic I'm going to ignore that).
"Lance McLain" a man with a bushy mustache and thick Australian accent called.
Lance scurried forward and sat down quickly. The hat was placed on his head and spoke in his mind. You seem to be quite ambitious, but also smart, and yet again kind. But you are brave most of all. And you care about your family. I would say....
"GRYFFINDOR!" The hat cheered and Lance ran over to the red flagged tab,e as a cheer arose.
He squeezed in between to boys and the one on the left held out his hand. "My names James Griffin and that over there is Ryan Kinkade. Your going to love it here".
"Keith Kogane" the Australian man called and Keith made his way towards the stool. As the hat was placed on his head he made eye contact with Lance and smiled sadly.
"SLYTHERIN!" The hat shouted almost immediately and James scowled.
"I'll warn you now Lance, the Slytherin house is not a good one. All of the students come from pure blood proud families".
Lance blinked, Keith had seemed so nice, if a little shy. "All of them?".
Ryan snorted. "Didn't you hear the song? When they first founded the school Salazar wanted only pure bloods, but the others didn't agree. So he took his house and did just that. It's stupid if you ask me, with all the Slytherins acting as if they are better than the rest of us". Lance watched as Keith sat at the Slytherin table, head bowed slightly.

Through the next four years Lance's life changed in many ways. First he met Hunk and Pidge, both half bloods in Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Then he met Pidge's older brother Matt, who was two years older than him, Allura, who was older by one year, and Professor Shiro, the DADA teacher. He joined the Gryffindor quidditch team and became seeker.
But not all changes were good. He got in a lot of fights with Lotor and his female goons. He didn't have the best relationship with Keith, even though Professor Shiro assured him that Keith wasn't trying to be mean. But Keith was the seeker for the Slytherin team so what could Shiro possibly know.
But for the most part, Lance enjoyed life at Hogwarts.
Chapter one! Well the Prologue but you get what I mean.

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