Chapter One: A New Year

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I have finally arrived to warn you about Bruno. Kidding. Here's the story.

Veronica gave Lance a hug. "Don't forget to write! I want to know everything that happens".
Lance laughed and pulled out of his sister's grip. "I will, I will. See you in December". With one last good bye lance pushed through the barrier to where Hunk and Pidge were waiting.
"Finally," Pidge groaned, "we've been waiting forever! I bet all the good compartments were taken already!".
Lance chuckled. "Pidge, Pidge, Pidge. As long as you have me, you'll always be in the best compartment". Pidge rolled their eyes and the three of them boarded the Hogwarts Express.

Lance frowned as he peaked into another compartment, only to see that it was already full. "What the actual quiznack! How are all the compartments already being used?".
Pidge snorted. "Maybe if you hadn't taken forever to say goodbye to your family, we wouldn't be looking for a compartment right now".
"Hey guys," Hunk called, "I found an almost empty compartment, but we could always take a different one". He sounded nervous and kept on glancing at the compartment nervously.
Lance pushed past him. "How bad could it be? Anything is better than nothing". He opened the compartment door to see none other than Keith Kogane reading a book. "Never mind. There has to be an empty on. Good bye". Pidge and Hunk watched as he marched to the end of the train and turned around with a huff.
"What happened to the other compartments?" Keith asked with out looking up from his book as Lance sat down.
"Shut up" Lance huffed. Keith snorted and buried his nose deeper into the book. Hunk and Pidge sat next to Lance and studied Keith nervously.
The trolley witch came and went and the trio talked to each other in quiet voices. Keith ignored them for the most part, occasionally voicing his opinion with a snarky attitude.

Towards the end of the ride, the door flew open and the four turned to see Lotor and his lackeys standing there.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't Mudblood McLain and his two misfit friends. Oh, and Kogane as well! I wasn't sure they would let you return after your stunt this summer, but oh well".
Lance, Hunk, and Pidge all gasped at Keith, who scowled and glared at Lotor. "You have twenty seconds to shut your quiznack and leave. Is that understood?".
Lotor ignored him and continued his tirade. "I just came to say hello, probably won't see you after Christmas, McLain. Lance frowned, what was Lotor talking about. "Oh!" Lotor faked surprise. "That's right, you don't know". He cupped Lance's face in his hands. "Let's put it this way, shall we. By the end of the year, there will be no more Mudbloods at a Hogwarts".
Suddenly a book came out of nowhere and smacked Lotor on the side of his head. Keith snarled and pointed his wand at Lotor. "Touch him again and what happened this summer will look like child's play".
Lotor stood and glared at Keith. "Mark my words, Kogane. My mother will hear of this, and by the time school ends, you'll be sorry". Then he and his lackeys swept away. For the second time that night, Lance, Hunk, and Pidge gaped at Keith. Without a word, he grabbed his trunk and cat, and stepped out of the compartment, leaving his book on the floor. During the 'scuffle'with Lotor the Hogwarts Express had pulled into the station and students were beginning to disembark. With one look, the trio agreed to not tell anyone what had happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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