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Name: (Y/N) Fuego

Age: 16

Sex: Male

Power: Pyrokinesis

Generation: ???

Height: 5'9

weight: 205 ib

Ethnicity: Japanese/Hispanic

Likes: Fighting, Meeting new people, Ramen, Spicy food, fighting, swords, dark colored clothes, fighting, flirting, oh and did I mention Fighting?

Dislikes: Cockiness, Arrogance, vegetables, weak opponents.


(Y/N) is a raven-black haired male who was born with different colored eyes. He also holds a scar that runs across his left eye.

(Will have picture later on in story. For now just use your imagination)

He is a trained warrior being a master to all kinds of combat style imaginable. (Y/N) is also a master to any kind of weapon —preferably a sword— making anything in his hands dangerous, and deathly.

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