Chapter 5: I'll be there

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                     3rd Person POV

Hajime and Chiaki both was sleeping on the couch, a giant cover was on top of both of them as they snoozed. They cuddled up while they where sleeping on the couch getting as much body warmth from eachother as possible.

Hajime's head rested comfortably in Chiaki's breast as he slept with his hands around her waist. Chiaki had her arms around his neck. Her hands where in his spiky hair as she secured Hajime's head placement to her chest. She had a slight smile on her face as she slept, she was having some of the best sleep she's ever had, as the same can be said for Hajime.

Hajime moved in his sleep as he moved his hands lower on Chiaki's body, his hands was around her butt as he gently squeezed it, having a firm grip and two hand fulls of Chiaki's ass.

Chiaki gasps in her sleep and slowly opens her eye's. She looks down at Hajime with tired eye's realizing what was happening. She had a bright blush on her face feeling Hajime's hands squeeze her butt. It didn't make it any better seeing as Hajime also had his face planted into her chest.

She moved her arms from around his neck and moved the covers off of them. Seeing Hajime sleep was cute to Chiaki, she almost didn't want to wake him up but he was having a hand full of her butt at the moment.

"Maybe Hajime is a pervert"Chiaki thought as she started shaking him slowly. He opened his eye's slowly sunlight blinding him a little. He groaned and rubbed his eye's before staring up at Chiaki.

Chiaki's blush grew more seeing the attractive male look up at her still having his grip. When Hajime noticed there position he sat up instantly realizing where his hands and face were at. He also grew a blush wondering how he even got into that situation to begin with. Sure that was some of the greatest rest he's had ever but he didn't want Chiaki to be uncomfortable, which he would be surprised if she wasn't even a little uncomfortable at the situation.

"I-im sorry Nanami!!" He apologized immediately. Nanami just stared at him wondering why he was apologizing. It was her fault that they got into that situation in the first place she should be the one to apologize.

"No, it's not you're fault Hajime it's mine I moved us into that sleeping position so you don't got to worry about it"  she said as she was still blushing.

"B-but my hands were-"

"Don't worry about it Hajime im ok with it" Chaiki cut him off stopping him from apologizing any further. She crawled over to him and pet his head as a way of comfort and reassurance to him.

Hajime slowly nod his head as a way of him telling her he understands and won't press anymore on the subject. Hajime enjoyed her soft small hand on his head of spiky hair as she pet him. He didn't mind it tho, he knew Chiaki didn't mean it in any bad way like he was her pet or something.

Hajime then remembers what happened last night. How Chiaki woke him from his nightmare and gave him comfort that calmed him down. He looked at her eye's and opened his mouth to speak.


"What did I tell you about that Hajime. Just call me Chiaki"

"C-chiaki, thank you for last night. You really helped me when I was having that nightmare" he said sincerely to Chiaki. She smiled at him before wrapping her arms around his neck giving him a hug.

"You don't have to thank me Hajime, if you need me for anything ill always be available to you." Chiaki said in a warm tone making Hajime's heart throb in his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, hugging her back.

"Thank you Chiaki, if you need me for anything ill be there for you as well"

They sat there like last night, sitting in eachother embrace and enjoying the comfortable silence that came with eachother. They separated from there warm embrace and got up off the couch. They cleaned up the small mess that they made and got dressed for the day.

They went downstairs to see a few of the other student's like Sonia,Ibuki,Gundham,Mikan,Nagito. Pretty much the whole class was down here.

Teruteru had made breakfast for the whole class that morning starting everyone's day with a good breakfast.

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