First Story: Inside the Suitcase.

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{ Warning: This story may have a few mistakes - actually a lot but - these are supposed to be in one chapter so.. It may be rushed.}
There was something mysterious, in the suitcase, that no one knew about. Only Avalon knew, because it was her suitcase. What she didn't know is that she and her suitcase were in danger.


Avalon walked along the food section in the airport, holding tightly onto her coat sleeve. She looked around and sit in one of the tables, almost shaking. Her hand was practically stuck to the suitcase handle, not daring to let it go.

She swallowed and put her bag in front of her and took out her wallet- there was a picture of her family. She hasn't seen her family since she was a little girl, after she'd been stolen. But she now doesn't belong to her family, after everything has happened she can barley look at them. The last time she saw them was in Halifax when they were doing some family thing and she was working on a mission. The mission failed badly.

Her little brother is twelve now, and she has no idea what his birthday is, or even what he likes. Last time she said anything to him he would only nod yes or no and play with his toy train. Her father would try talk to her- the whole time his mouth was open, though half the time nothing came out. Her mother could barley say anything and tears were swelling up in her eyes, like she was fighting them back. It was almost painful to see her family like this but when she left it was different, she didn't want to leave. Now she would never dare to go near them. Everything is different now. Everything.

Avalon shoves the wallet back in her purse, feeling glum all of a sudden. She stands up and staggers out of the table, slightly tripping over the chair. That's when she hears it, the cue.

"All passengers for flight 13 please head to section A, the plane is getting ready to lift off. Thank you."

Avalon immediately hurries out of the food section, running to Section A. Her suitcase loudly running along. She pushes past many people, hearing their angry shouts passing by. That's when Avalon see's the lady at the entrance working on the last few people in line. It's time.

Avalon budges in front of many people, many shouting 'Hey!' Or 'Back of the line!' One actually screams in her ear, stabbing it with their ball point pen. "What do you think you're doing!" The stabber shrieks, waving her hand in the air like a monkey.

"Uh-" She hands the ticket to the lady and as she scans the ticket Avalon turns to the lady behind her, narrowing her eyes. "Listen, grandma. I need to get on this plane now, ok? So why don't you calm down?" She growls, lifting her suitcase a bit in the air. The lady huffs and starts to laugh, snorting multiple times.

"We all do sweetie." She drawls, her smile fading.

Avalon suddenly pushes the woman with her suitcase, wishing the lady knew what was in there. If only she knew... She wouldn't be so damn annoying and-


"Yes?" Avalon spins on her heel, her black hair slapping the cranky woman in the face.

The blonde lady with the ticket clears her throat and stands straight, her voice sweet.

"I do not know you, but please stop bitching around and get in the plane."

Avalon blinks, snatching the other half of her ticket and running down the long hall to the plane, passing by many people. The clicks of her heels echoing around.

The handsome man stands at the door to greet her, he gives her a nice smile. She doesn't smile back. Even if she wants to, (and oh she wants to) she was told to stay serious the whole trip. So when he greets her, the ends of her lips lift a little then drop quickly. She looks away, ignoring his interested stare, sliding on her red hood.

She passes by different red heads and blondes, ignoring their raised eyebrows and stares. She just keeps her hood over her face and makes her way to the back of the plane- the last bathroom.

Since she doesn't need her ticket, she threw it in between a empty seat. The back of the plane is un-surprisingly empty, so she starts running down the plane, between different coloured seats.

That's when the announcement calls.

"The plane will lift off in five minutes, please be seated." This panics her, since she hears footsteps.

Avalon hurries into an empty bathroom, shutting the door. She wants to but can't lock it, it's too obvious. Avalon almost squeals, remembering what's in the suitcase. She places it carefully under a cupboard under the sink, making sure it's hidden by the First Aid Kit.

The footsteps fading is a que that the person has left the back of the plane and it's time to run for your life.

Avalon kicks the door open, liking the feeling, then starts running down the plane without stopping. She dodges multiple people and see's the handsome man, who is shutting up the plane door.

"Wait-!" Avalon slaps a hand over her mouth for using her voice. That's when she realized her hood had fallen off.

The young man turns, raising an confused eyebrow. His eyes changing to a darker brown at the sight of her, the corners of his lips lifting up. He opens his mouth to speak but she is too fast.

"Hey!" She trips over multiple things on the floor, making her way to him quickly. Not really caring anymore.

"Hey?" His voice is deep, and happy, almost weird that way.

"Listen, you need to let me out- now." I start fighting and wonder if I should just push him out of the way. But he smiles.

"And why is that?"

She growls angrily, "Open the door you chipmunk!"

Though in Avalon knows he looks nothing like a chipmunk at all, not even the slightest. But she manages for him to give her a sly smile and step aside, he unlocks the door and opens it a smudge.

"Didn't you pay for this flight, ma'm?" He says the last part with a boyish smile.

Avalon bits her lip to prevent from yelling. Time is slipping away.

"Come on, chip." She snatches his arm and drags him down the hall running, almost in the airport. Just as she enters through the hall she wipes the small drip of sweat of her forehead and puts her hands on her knees, panting.

"How the hell are you not tired?" She says between breaths. He just stares at her.

"And what's your name?" He runs a hair through his blond head, scratching it. Avalon looks up and gives him a exhausted look.

"Brittany Spears- you?"

He frowns for a moment then says slowly with a straight face though the corners of his lips were slightly lifted, "Thomas."

Avalon hurries to the window and watches as the plane starts to fly off, she hears Thomas gasp in the back. He whimpers behind her "They need me!" But all she does is roll her eyes.

"Whatever, Chom."


"Chip and Tom."



Avalon hears him sit down and a frustrated sigh bursting out of his mouth, she turns around to see him with his flight jacket off. She doesn't think it's so hard to tell him so she sits beside him slowly, biting her lip then opens her mouth to speak.

"That plane is going to blow up."

"Shut up, Brittany Bitch."

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2015 ⏰

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