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Sitting in front of this man, on this couch, was nothing I ever would've imagined a year ago. I can tell he's nervous just by his shaken hands and pale face.
He lights a cigarette while his little girl plays with her toys in the small corner by their fireplace.
We sit like that, in silence, for what feels like forever when I finally speak up.

"So, I came here for some answers."
He nods his head slowly.
"And I was hoping you could start by telling me why you left."

My hands are shaking as he takes the cigarette out of his mouth, taking a drag.
He, then, begins to speak.

"Well... I really can't explain anything. I was a messed up kid and I just couldn't be a father, so I bailed."

He mushed his cigarette into the ash tray and sat back waiting for me to speak.

"Okay. Look here, Mr. ... What is your name?"
"Just call me Ben."
"Okay.... Ben, I can't even tell you how many times that I had wanted that little girl sitting over there to be me. I always wondered where you were and what I did to make me not have a dad. When you sit here and tell me this bull, do you even know how angry it makes me?"
"I get that your angry. I really do, but I need you to understand that what I did, didn't have anything to do with you. I told you, I was messed up. It was selfish of me but you have been fine without me."

I stand up now, starting to leave.

"Well, you leaving messed me up. You don't know what it's been like. You don't even know me and I'm your own kid. So, if you wanna play house with your new family, that's fine but why did you come back to the place that you decided to leave behind? Why now?"

He thinks for a moment before
answering, "I came back to fix my mistakes. I basically came back to fix things with you and your mother. You may hate me for the rest of your life but at least I came back."

My eyes are starting to water by how angry I am from hearing his words. He thinks I need him now?
I needed him about 16 years ago when he bailed.

"You think that I want you now? Or need you? Mom and I have gotten by just fine without you. Yea, I may be a little messed up but that's okay because your kid will be a heck of a lot messed up way more than I ever will be because she has YOU!"

My chest heaves up and down when I'm finished with my little rant and I turn to leave. I pause when I see that little girl, who could've been me, standing in front of me with a locket around her neck. It looks like the same one I have on. I reach for hers and open it.
Engraved in tiny letters reads:

"Daddy got it for me."
I look at her and smile because I see the similarities between us. She has my dark green eyes and dark brown/ natural caramel colored hair.

"You have one too."
She says in her little girl voice. As she points at my locket, I open it.

It says:

"Oooooo, did your daddy give you this?"
I look at her again and answer with a slight smirk on my face.
"A long time ago, yes..."


The next day at school was kinda awkward as I tell Cynthia what had happened at my bio-dad's house.

"So.... You hate him?"

I shrugged.

"I wouldn't use the word hate.... I just... Dislike him with a passion."

She laughed.
"Kar... That's the same thing."

"Okay... I guess I hate him but it's his fault. If he didn't want me to hate him then he shouldn't have left."

"I see where your coming from hun, but your life is going to be miserable for a long time if you don't forgive him at some point."

Cynthia was right. Shes always right but i don't want to forgive him just yet because he hurt me.

"Ill forgive him when he deserves to be forgiven."

"okay... Just think about it..."

I couldnt really answer her, I kinda didn't want to, when the guy i met yesterday almost knocked me down, again.
I rolled my eyes when his side came in contact with my body, getting me off balance. I didn't fall this time though.

"hey, can you please watch where your going? Im kinda stressed today so i really cant handle it..."

He cocked his eyebrow and gave me a charming smirk.

"I'm sorry , Malady. I wont do it again. Scouts honor!"

I smiled at his lousy excuse for a British accent and his cute bow.

"okay, now you have my attention", i say with a cheeky smile.

"I was thinking we should hangout...."

"what do you mean by "hangout"?"

"i know what your thinking.... It will totally just be on a "friend" basis. Since you fractured my ego yesterday."

He kinda says this with a fake laugh, but I could really tell I hurt his feelings.

"Yeah, I'm sorry for yesterday. I've just been overly blunt lately."

"Hey, it's fine! You probably thought I was an egotistical jerk."

I gave him a look.

"Okay.... I am an egotistical jerk but I have a sensitive side and a humorous side and very ch-"

"Charming side?" I guessed.

That goofy smile came back.

"How'd you know?"

I shrugged, "Your predictable."

"Come see a movie with me and then i will let you make your decision on how predictable i am."

"Your not gonna get that lucky, pretty boy."

He catches my comment and a flash of hope comes to his eye.

"You think I'm pretty?" he says while wiggling his eyebrows.

My cheeks heat up quickly and i try to look away, obviously embarrassed.

"uh no!" i scoff.

"Whatever you say, Malady."

he bows once more then he changes to a more serious expression.

"Can you just think about it?"
he asked holding his hands together and giving me his best puppy dog eyes.

"i guess i can..."


I nod. He then picks me up and twirls me around, Making my heart kinda flutter.

One of the teachers in the hallway noticed me in his arms and started scolding him from like a mile away.

i laughed as his cheeks started heating up. He put me down softly on the ground.

Wow, this is going to be a long week.


please comment if i should continue this story, thanks!

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