Moonvasion Endgame Part 1

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Over a week has gone since the Snap that wiped out half of all life in the universe. The Earth is stuck under a permanent night sky, frost and snow cover every single city and towns in the world and the ocean is all but ice now, especially in the area of Lunaris' Planetary Engine.

We go to the sight of Disney Town's battlefield where a massive war was fought between Mickey and Lunaris' army, with Lunaris emerging as the ultimate victor.

We see the signature weapons of Huey, Louie, Lena, Violet, April, June, Daisy, Gladstone, Fethry, Mickey, Goofy, Panchito, Selene, Riku, Kairi and Terra stuck to the ground in honour of them. Violet's bow was laid in front of her Energy Mace.

In another part of the battlefield stuck to the ground were the signature weapons of Leon, Cid, Yuffie, the Roman Gods and King Vomit.

In a room at Disney castle we see 5 capsule pods hovering over the floor and lying inside of them were the deceased Louie, Huey (his arm cut off), June, Gladstone and Terra cut down at the prime of their lives at the hands of Lunaris.

At the destroyed Castle McDuck we see the signature weapons of Goldie, Officer Cabrera, Lea, Xion, Namine and Isa stuck to the rubble. The Gizmoduck Armour was laid next to them.

We also see two spots freshly dug up and tombstones reading "Downy McDuck" and "Lea". This is where Downy and Lea have been buried.

Inside the Planetary Engine Lunaris is inside a healing pod, submerged in water after the Infinity Stones and Donald almost killed him. His recovery is almost complete and when he wakes up…the remaining people of Earth will be living in fear for the rest of their lives.

(Insert Ducktales theme)

Disney Town is completely deserted…the Moonlanders have been chased off but they will be back…it was the calm before the storm. Sat on a bench in the Central Plaza was Donald in his black sailor attire, depressed and miserable over losing a lot of his friends, family and his girlfriend.

Donald: Daisy…


Donald and Daisy in their royal outfits were once sat on this same bench eating together and taking in the sun and breeze, especially Daisy.

Daisy: The breeze feels so good.

Donald: Yeah. I forgot what if felt like, having isolated myself from everyone for so long. It's all so quiet out here.

Daisy: You know you've been spending a lot of time with your nephews. You're getting used to all the noise they make.

Donald: Yeah, maybe. I could say the same for you with your nieces.

Both Donald and Daisy laugh before the latter looks up.

Daisy: It's so peaceful. You know Donald…I hope everyday can be like this always.

Donald: Yeah. Me too, Daisy, me too; I may not have Della anymore but at least I still have you in my life.

Daisy: They stare into each other's eyes. You'll always have me in your life Donald. I promise.

And with that the Duck Couple share a kiss.

(End of Flashback)

But now Daisy was no longer part of his life. Donald watched the woman he loved die right before his eyes. She was gone…forever.


Daisy: See you again soon…Donnie…

Daisy was turned to dust and her sword and tiara clattered on the ground. Donald cried.

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