Moonvasion Endgame Part 3

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Lunaris is in on his throne watching over Earth with sadistic glee. His arm and wounds fully healed after spending time in his healing pod and the Infinity Gauntlet with 6 stones inside is sat next to him.

Lunaris: I can't believe my father feared these Earther's… they're pathetic. Donald and Scrooge's armies' have fallen thanks to this.

Lunaris pats the gauntlet but is surprised when the alarm sounds, a red exclamation mark appearing on his screen. It switches to the Sharkers swimming through the water.

Lunaris: What the Moon devil is this!? Water beasts wearing winter clothing? Surely it would slow them down, preposterous!?

Then it switches to Darkwing Duck and Roxas on the Ratcatcher, ready to make their move once the signal is given.

Lunaris: Is that Darkwing Duck and Roxas on that Earther vehicle? How odd? Why hasn't Darkwing attempted to distract me with the dramatic entrance via purple smoke that he's so well known for? This is most disturbing. And why isn't Roxas attempting to come after me, it'd be most logical to send a Keyblade wielder to attack me first.

It then switches to Beakely on the docks standing with Launchpad inside his rock.

Lunaris: Is that Scrooge's housekeeper holding a man dressed as a rock. Lunaris just laughs. This is sad even for Scrooge… He then gets serious. …Unless…he wants me to think that!? An idiotic cover for a brilliant strategy! Oh, what am I not seeing?

He swipes the screen to see something that really catches him off-guard. Scrooge and Fergus are riding a sleigh being pulled by Manny. At the back was a large stuffed sack but what really confuses Lunaris is that Fergus is dressed as an elf and Scrooge is dressed as the person he hates most: Santa Claus. And the two McDucks are looking quite grumpy and pessimistic.

Scrooge: Ho, ho, ho! Merry Invasion…

Fergus: And a Sad New Year to you Moon scum…

Lunaris angered and insulted gets up from his seat.

Manny continues rushing at the engine and screeches to a halt when the entrance opens. A ramp is brought and Lunaris is seen walking down it with his hands behind his back, stopping a couple of distances from Scrooge and Fergus as they walk out the sleigh, the former carrying a parchment list.

Lunaris: Scrooge, Fergus, please! Whatever this plan of yours is, it's embarrassing us both!

Scrooge: Oh, this isn't my plan. He reads from the parchment. "You'll have to talk the handsome, most tenacious nice guy on the tippity-top of the nice list…"

Glomgold: Bursting out of the duffel bag is… FLINTHEART GLOMGOLD!

He gives off a crazy laughter only to comically lose balance and drop down on his face. Lunaris gobsmacked, forgetting about his research on Glomgold.

Lunaris: I'm sorry, who is this!?

Glomgold: Glomgold gets up pointing. Nice try Moon man! Pretending not to know EARTH'S GREATEST MASTERMIND!

Fergus: Ugh…what did we do to deserve this…?

Scrooge: "Glomgold my boy, Santa has a little present for you this Christmas. Take out present." Oh! He takes out a present from the sleigh and hands it Glomgold. "I'm giving you back your company-"

Scrooge & Fergus: WAIT! WHAT!?

Scrooge throws down the parchment and comically takes off his Santa clothing in a fit of anger while Fergus crosses his arms gruffly.

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