ᕙ(ಠ ਊ ಠ)ᕗChapter nineᕙ(ಠ ਊ ಠ)ᕗ

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"URARAKA ARE YOU OKAY?!" Iida shouted with worry

"Y-yeah I'm fine"

"What was that all about?" Jiro asked

"I don't know was just walking and accidentally bumped into the one with pink and brown hair," Uraraka said

"I tried to say sorry but they didn't listen," Uraraka said

"But luckily Iida came when he could," Uraraka said

"That wasn't very manly of'em," Kirishima said

"It's good to know you're okay but we better get back before Mr. Aizawa realizes we're gone," Momo said

They all left the mall

"Hey izu why didn't you tell us?" Lucas said

"I didn't want you guys to get roped up in my drama," Izuku said

"Sigh, just forget it we better get back before Annie thinks you guys got lost again," Lucas said

"Look that only happened one time," Both izuku and Alex said in unison

The three of them laugh

Class 1-As first day of school in l.a

"Hello you parasites today we have some transfer students from Japan who are going to stay with us for three months or some shit I don't fucking remember," Mr.J said in his usual monotone voice

"You guys can come in now," Mr.j said

"Hello I am Tenya iida nice to meet you all" No one paid attention they were all on their phones

everyone introduces themselves then it was urarakas turn.

"H-hello I'm Ochaco Uraraka I hope we all can be friends." She said in a cute manner trying to get a reaction from the class

They still showed no reaction

"Now that's over with all of you shut the fuck up and sit your ass's down if I hear any of you guys make a sound I'm failing you all so don't test me," Mr.J said as he takes out a bud of weed from his desk and light it

Iida got up from his desk

"SIR THAT ISN'T VERY PROFESSIONAL OF YOU" he shouted while doing his hand chopping movement

"Can you shut the fuck up I'm trying to fucking sleep" A guy with purple hair in the back of the class said


"You are excused," The guy said

The class laughed


"BUT SIR," Iida said


Iida sat back down

After a few minutes of silence, the principal walked In to check on class 1-a and how they have taken to the school

Everyone in the classroom immediately fixed themselves up

"Ah hello, madam smith what brings you to our classroom," Mr. J said in a formal manner

Class 1-a was baffled by how fast their attitude changed once the principal walked in

"Oh don't mind me Mr.j I just came here to ask how the transfers are holden up," she said

"Ah, if you need to know they've been doing quite well," Mr.J said with a toothy smile on his face

"That's nice to hear well I shall be taking my leave sorry for distributing your class," Mrs.Smith said with a cheerful smile

Once Mrs. Smith was fully out of view the class went back to their normal state

"Goddamn, I hate that bitch" Mr.J said in his usual manner

Class 1-a was still in shock

Lunchtime with the cool kids😎



Class 1-a was looking for some seats to sit at they found one with.

Initials in graved in it they didn't pay any attention to it and sat down.

They were having a good time until a group of kids walked up to them

The short one with pink hair tapped momos shoulder.

"Yes, what do you want?" Momo said

"You're in my and my friend's seats could you please find another place to sit?" She said in an innocent manner

"No can't you see it's occupied now fuck off," momo said

"... I tried to ask nicely now would you please move your fake boobs barbie wanna be bitch ass out of my fucking seat before I start fucking dragging you," she said with a smile

And this is the end

Don't we love our beautiful queen Sophie🛐

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