Chapter 8 - The Crash of Kiss

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Claire Kinsley's POV

I swivelled around on the chair in Liam's office while waiting to receive my "death roll".

Come to think about it, this is my first time being here, I have never once visited him at work.

The realisation of this thought intrigued me to have a good look around his office. I stood up and started pacing around his office to kill some time while exploring. The first thing that would probably catch anyone's attention in his office was his wide array of achievements in the medical field that were notably featured on the wall of his office. Other than that, his office space looks pristinely bare, probably because he had all his stuff neatly organised in spaces. But that's not surprising, given how much a control freak he is.

Just when I thought there wasn't much left to explore, my eyes widened in shock when my vision landed on a photo frame right next to his desktop.

What the hell?! Why would he place a picture of me and him at his office?!

I stuck my tongue in disgust as I picked up the photo frame, feeling the cringe in me. Firstly, having only a picture of us in his office can be misleading to others that we are a couple and there's no way we will ever be that! Secondly, just how desperately does he want to control me that even my picture has to be here in replacement of my presence?!

Gosh... There's no way I'm going to allow this picture to be in his office.

So without hesitation, I took the liberty to remove the picture from the frame. But before I could even hang a triumphant smile on my face, Liam opened the door into his office and I was caught red-handed right in the act.

"What are you doing?" Liam shot his words across to me from where he stood.

My feet froze but my hands were still agile enough to hide the picture behind my back quickly.

"Nothing!" I exclaimed immediately with feigned innocence but my heart was racing.

He strode over with a rare case of uptightness written all over his glowered face. I flinched the moment he tried to come over and scurried all the way to the other side of the table such that he couldn't catch me.

"I saw what you did, return it to me now," his tone was cold as usual, but this time it was lathered with a threat.

"Why... why should I? That's my face in that picture too, you didn't even ask for my consent!" I flustered in defence.

"Neither did you ask for my consent when you meddled with my stuff," He shot back at me coldly.

"Hell no! I'm not giving this back to you!" I exclaimed as I tried to charge my way quickly over to the door for my chance at escaping but I ended pouncing into his rock hard chest.

"Enough!" He grabbed me by my waist with one hand as he tried to retrieve the picture from me with the other.

"No! Let go! You idiot!" I fought back hard while stretching out my hand in all different direction just so he couldn't get the picture from me. However, stretching with a 7ft tall man was obviously too much for me even with my pilate background, at one point we just lost balance and we ended up tipping over to one side.

"Woah...!" I shouted as we crashed against the carpentered floor in his office. It didn't took me long to come back to my senses that what I have landed on was not the carpentered floor but his body! My eyes widened in shock when I realised our lips have just coincidentally landed onto each other. I jolted up immediately as I gasped hard at what just happened.

No!!! Not again!!

He falls silent with his gaze slightly dazed before he asked, "Are... are you okay?"

Of course, I am not!!

I rubbed my lips and retorted as I slapped the picture at him, "No, it hurts! Idiot!"

"Let me take a look at it," He grabbed me over to him and lifted up my chin as he looked intently at my lips.

"I don't need you to," I tried to break loose from him but he held me even closer with a look of uptight concern.

"Just standstill," he commanded.

I wanted to break loose because the nearness between us was making me tight at my chest.

"It seems fine," he concluded and that's when our eyes met again. This time his eyes widened slightly and strangely that set my heart a fluttering thump.

Then the door opened and we flinched away from each other instantly when Dr Carter appeared.

"Oh, sorry, I knocked but no one responded," Dr Carter seemed taken aback.

"It's okay," Liam replied her.

"I guess you have both met then. Dr Craig, we have arranged you to mentor Dr Kinsley for her internship, she will be shadowing you during this period of time. I will drop more information about your role as her mentor on your desk later as I have to go off now to process another urgent matter. Would that be alright with you?" Dr Carter asked Liam.

"Yea, that's alright with me. Thank you, Dr Carter," Liam replied with a small smirk etched on his smile.

"Oh and I just wanted to commend Dr Kinsley for her performance back at the observatory room when you did the surgery earlier on, she was able to diagnose the patient's condition as quickly as you did. What you two have shown just now was really impressive, I hope our hospital will be able to groom yet another talent just like Dr Craig." Dr Carter commended before she left the office, leaving only both of us awkwardly standing apart from each other.

"Seems like you're not that hopeless after all, you must really thank me for that," Liam shot across to me. Of all things, he had to use sarcasm to break the ice between us.

"I'm not hopeless, to begin with, don't you dare claim credits off from my achievement," I retorted.

He frowned for a moment before he replied me dryly, "Who's the one who just made me a promise this morning?"

Idiot! How dare he used my words on me!

"Well, excuse me, I'm going to the ladies," I cooked up an excuse to escape from this tangled situation.

"Trying to escape? Don't forget you have to shadow me for your whole period of internship here." He snickered as he sat down on his chair with a smug like he was all ready to make me his maid at his command and that really ticks me off.

"Of course not, I just wanted to wash my mouth so that I won't have a mouth that is as uncouth as yours!" I stormed out of his sight while wiping my lips ferociously.

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