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Chapter thirteen
"I guess it makes sense really, doesn't it? Demons have to be disposed of properly, so throwing them behind a big demon door just seems logical, doesn't it?" Scot laughs "you know, that being said, I don't know, I feel like this is a bit doomed, you know? I'm not saying that it is doomed, but u definitely feel like we're walking to the Gates of Mordor" Scot continues "Scot, Scot, Scot. Are you having second thoughts? If you are we're gonna have to throw you in the door too, you know that right?" Marlene says making Scot chuckled nervously.

"Can I ask a question? Besides, Scot, can you stop talking?" Eden says "yes, go Eden" Gabe replies "so what happens if she wakes up? Like do we have a plan for that?" She asks "I brought a knife," Tyler says "Oh, you're gonna have a knife-fight with a demon?" Eden says "our savour" Marlene adds "you can't kill her with a knife," Kinsey says "might at least give us a head start. Okay, any more questions?" Tyler asks "yeah, can we just get this over with?" Jackie asks.

"How's the tide situation?" Kinsey sighs "it's just past Full-low. We're okay if we go now" Tyler checks his phone "are we?" Scot asks but receives no answer "look, no one has to go down" Kinsey says "no, we're going. I mean, at least I am" Gabe says "me too" Jackie adds "yeah, of course," Eden says "not one to resist some good, old fashioned peer pressure. Am I? I'm in" Scot says.

"Watch your head," Jackie says as they enter the caves "it's worse than last time," Scot says "probably cause we're carrying an unconscious girl," Marlene says. "How did you guys find this place?" Eden asks "we were gonna shoot the movie in here," Kinsey says making Eden laugh "yeah, no, I would've quit if I hadn't already quit," Eden says.

"You're hearing that, right?" Jackie asks "you mean the really scary rumbling sound?" Tyler's voice quivers.

"What do you suppose is I'm the other side of this?" Scot asks "nothing good," Eden says "well, unless you're a demon" Gabe adds "let's just do this and get out of here," Tyler says "I don't think we should" Kinsey looks at the door "it was your idea!" Ty says "does this feel right to you?" Kinsey asks "no, it doesn't but quite frankly, I don't care" Marlene looks at Dodge's body "if you've got any better ideas, I'm all ears," Ty says "best-available idea doesn't make something a good idea" Kinsey looks at him 

"Uh, okay, I hate to break up a good old sibling squabble, but I am very worried about these tides and I do have some experience to back that up," Scot says "shit. Yeah, we should hurry" Tyler says "that is not what you said before" Eden looks at him "yeah, it took a lot longer to get down here than I thought," Tyler says.

"Is she waking up?" Jackie asks as the bag starts to move "oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no." Scot says looking in the bag "hey, guys, we gotta do this now" Tyler says "are you sure" Kinsey asks him "we can't take it back" Kinsey continues "Kinsey, we're here. We can end this... For dad" Tyler waits for a reply "...All right" Kinsey finally says.

"Okay. Kinsey will unlock the door, the rest of you, stay on it. If something happens, just close it" Tyler says "ill carry Dodge to the edge and throw her through" Tyler says "and if anything comes out that door when we open it?" Kinsey says "what, hold on. Anything like what?" Scot asks "like demon bullets," Marlene says.

They all walk towards the door. Kinsey puts the Key in the Keyhole unlocking it. They all pull on the door yanking it open. "That's... What is that?" Scot asks looking at the sight "it's so beautiful... I wish I was a demon so I could be in there" Marlene joked but then again not really. "Look out!" Kinsey shouts as a demon bullet shoots.

Kinsey and Tyler grab Dodge by the legs and shoulders. "What are you doing?" Dodge asks "no! Tyler, don't!" Dodge grabs Tyler trying to hold on. Kinsey grabs Tyler pulling him back. "Close the door!" Tyler yells. As they go to close the door a series of bullets shoot out of it. They all smash against the door finally closing it.

"Okay, I hope we never have to do that again," Scot says "I hope we do. That was so fun!" Marlene says "yeah," Eden says agreeing with Marlene "Tyler, Kinsey, you guys were awesome," Gabe says "we all did it, everybody," Kinsey says "do you guys want some food or something before you leave? I mean, it's the least we can do to thank you" Tyler says looking at them all "I've always got an appetite" Gabe says "yeah, I'm down!" Jackie says as they all walk to the kitchen except Kinsey and Scot.

"Where Dodge?" Bode runs in the room asking "we killed her... I hope" Marlene says "so you threw her through the door in the cave?" Bode asks "yeah," Tyler says "are you sure it was Dodge?" Bode asks "why would you ask that?" Kinsey looks at him

"I went to Rufus' house, right?" Bode says "right" Kinsey repeat "when I got there, Rufus was knocked out. So I called 911 and the police came, and his mum was missing. And then when he woke up, he told me that Lucas did it" Bode said, "wait, what?" Tyler says "where's Ellie?" Kinsey asks "nobody knows. And since Lucas is Dodge, I just wanted to make sure you guys got rid of her" Bode says. Tyler puts his hands on Bode's shoulders "trust me. She's gone" Tylee reassures him.

"We all saw her get swallowed up in whatever was on the other side. Tyler picks up Bode sitting him next to them "okay?" Tyler puts his hand up "okay" Bode does the same.

Hey, late risers!" Duncan says "uncle Dunc" Bode shouts going to hug him "what, you guys have a raucous night old something last night?" Duncan asks "Get it while it's still hot," Nina says. "Look at this spread! Did you make this?" Kinsey asks "no, no, this was all your mom!" Duncan says "mmm, Delicious!" Bode shouts.

"Does anyone know what happened to dads car?" Nina asks "I was driving it to the store this morning and somethings wrong with the steering. It was shaking and wobbling" Nina says to them making them give each other looks "I felt like I was riding in a blender!" Nina laughs. "I guess I have to, uh, take it to the shop" Nina continues.

"When I was ag the store, I saw Bernadette from school. Nobody's heard a word about Ellie" Nina says "nothing?" Kinsey asks "no, so weird. What about Rufus?" Nina asks "he slept with some neighbours last night, his aunt and uncle are flying in from Nebraska this morning," Duncan says. "Anyway... Before everyone runs off, we need to have a little family meeting. It's important. And you're gonna need to hear this too Nina looks at Duncan
"What about?" Tyler asks "did someone die?" Marlene waited a second "recently?" she asked

"No. I made a mistake moving us here. I thought it was a good idea at the time. I wanted to learn more about your dads past, and I thought the change would do us good I dragged all of you our here against your wishes, and now, we get to go back home. This house is in a good enough shape for us to sell, and... we can use that money to buy a great new house in Seattle. And that will be our house! We'll just consider this a necessary little side-trip...  At least for me. But now, we get to go back to our normal lives." Nina smiles at them.

"Uh, okay" Nina stammers as she receives silence and glares "don't everybody jump for joy at once" Nina chuckles. "We actually like it here," Kinsey says  "yeah. I mean, it did seem like a shitty idea at the time" Tyler says "now, we love it here!" Bode says "yeah. And the people here are actually okay people. And the house is creepy as hell which is so cool!" Marlene says. "I don't wanna move again," Tyler says "me either" Kinsey replies "seriously? You guys want to stay?" Nina asks "yeah, definitely," Tyler says

"I thought you guys hated this place," Nina says "we did until... Until we didn't" Tyler says "because we finally get good wifi" Bode says making Nina laugh "and maybe dad didn't always love it here, but this place is still part of who he is. We like being here... Where he lived"  Kinsey says "I'm not sure that I get a vote, but, um... You're the best thing to ever happen to this place... Since at least the 1890s" Duncan says making Nina chuckle "okay. Well, I'm just processing all of this. I really felt like I made a mistake" Nina smiles throw her tears "you didn't" Kinsey says going in for a hug which results in a group hug.

"You're home now Rendell. We're home."

"Still on for our hang out?" Marlene holds her phone up to her ear "yes. I'm gonna take you to one of the fanciest places ever" He says "oh yeah? Where?" Marlene asks "Phil's," he says "such a gentlemen" Marlene laughs.


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