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"Mom , mom , where're you ?" Bambam shouted as he enters into their castle in side the big forest.

"What happened,  Bambam ? Why are you shouting? " Bambam's mom aka Sophie asked him while getting down from the stairs.

"Mom , today I saw HIM

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"Mom , today I saw HIM ." He told with heavy breathes and too much shocking face .

"Who ?" Sophie asked her son but before Bambam could answer the dood slammed and open by Jackson aka Bambam's younger brother . He was crying when he entered.

"Omo,  what happened Jackson? " Sophie asked her younger son worriedly.

"Mom , she left me . I can't live without her . But she left me , mom . I lose her for forever." Jackson kneel down while crying when Bambam was shocked and broken by seeing his brother . When Sophie went to Jackson and hugged him .

"Susshh , I and your brother are still alive

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"Susshh , I and your brother are still alive . It's okhy I'll help you to get the girl my son . Just show me her photo. " Sophie said to Jackson as she was trying to sussh Jackson by rubbing his back .

"Jackson , don't cry . Just show mom the girls pic and tell her name ." Bambam said as he bow down a little to face Jackson.

Jackson immediately open his phone and finds a picture of Mridula and he flip the phone to his Mom and Brother with the name -



"Okhy , Nonna . I need to leave now . My mom might be waiting for me in the house of her friend ." Taehyung said to Mridula when he about to leave but a sound made Taehyung,  Mridula & Y/N turn back .


It's none but Mrs. Kim calling her son .

"Mom ? " Taehyung shockingly asked .

"Yeah . It's my friends house and we are staying here today and tomorrow we all going to our village home along with the whole family of Mrs.Lee . But where are you going now ?" Mrs. Lee asked .

When Mridula,  Y/N & Taehyung was still in shock. They took few seconds to understand the whole story.

"No where , mom . Hehe ." Taehyung answered when all of Mridula,  Y/N and Taehyung laughed nervously.


"It's truly amazing.  You know today is the most precious day to me . Cuz I found you two today . The most important thing is Nonna is officially going to become my sister in law/ nonna . Hurrayyy ! " Taehyung started to jump like a kid .

"Yaa , you monkey , stop now . You said that about thousands time now . " Y/N said pissed off.

"Tae , you should sleep now ." Mridula said as she stood up from the couch.

As all of three was in the couch of the big balcony,  was talking, laughing,  drinking soft drinks and enjoying each others company. But mostly Taehyung and Y/N . They got too close to eachother seems like they're some old couple staying with eachother about so long . Taehyung's presence makes Y/N so happy as well as Taehyung is too happy by founding her first ever friend.

"Yeahh , *yawn yawn* good night. " with that Taehyung left and Y/N with Mridula went to their room to sleep .


"Can't you just hurry up ? They gonna left us ." Taehyung said to Y/N as they're in charge of carrying luggage from home to the car . When Mridula was busy with the food stuff of their whole journey.

"This is too heavy , I am not gonna make it . " Y/N said as she tried to pic one of the big luggage.

"Children, hurry up ." Mrs. Kim again told them to do hurry while she was just putting lipstick.

"My works are done . Let me help you Y/N." With that Mridula help Y/n . And they left .

Total 3 cars are going. 1 in which Mr. & Mrs. Lee are going , 1 for Mr. & Mrs. Kim and the final one for Mridula,  Y/N & Taehyung.

In the car -

"Why we need to go to village ? Can't we just stay here ?" Y/N said with some pissed face .

"We need to go , cuz it's a ritual that everyone in our family needs to marry there . And as Nonna is going to marry Hyung she needs to go ." Tae explain.

When Mridula just watching the outside view through the window. She was sad , too sad . Some how she can't leave her first love so easily. In her heart she still need Jackson,  his hug , his company. But it's now impossible. Cuz she choose to obey her parents Whether she is happy or not . She doesn't even know whom she is getting married and is he also wants the marriage? Will her life go well ? She was unknown of everything but she knew that she was missing Jackson too much .

"Unnie,  look the- " Y/N was about to show something to her unnie but Y/N's smile faded when she looked at her sister. In this journey she almost forgot about Jackson and forgot that how much sad her unnie whom she loves too much. She was feeling guilty and some kinda shocked about forgetting the whole matter. She wasn't like this ? She always keeps her unnie first but in this two days what happened that she forgot that how much sad her unnie is , how much tornado are going through her unnie ?

"What happened what are you thinking about? " Taehyung simply asked Y/N.

"No-nothing. " Y/N said while nodding. She still can't find a clue that how she forget that .

"No , there is something Y/N.  I can feel you ." Taehyung said worriedly.

But listening this Y/n's eyes get big . Finally she realized that she was too busy in Taehyung that she forgot about everything surrounding her . From yesterday she was only thinking about Tae , staying with him . Some how she was too fine with him and still now . It seems like about 1000 years old relationship are between Y/N and Taehyung. If it's not then how can Taehyung feel her ? And how can Taehyung's presence is too powerful to keep her happy and forget about everything ? They just know eachother from yesterday.

Is this calls love at first sight or


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