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About 1050 years ago in the TYLER castle there was everything so happy and perfect .

The princess of the great empire of the werewolves MARCELLUS ,  just turned into 18 . Her pretty sharp eyes , long hair , beautiful smile and new freshness were the reason for too much happiness. Her parents were too happy to have her but the most happy person was EUNWOO aka her big brother.

Both of the siblings were too powerful and too good with their soft heart . They learnt too much tricks of war and they taught that to their soldiers who were powerful too . Their kingdom was too good . Everyone was happy . If anyone attacked them they used to fight and win the war . Their unity was their strength and their unity and love from eachother was maintained by thier would be king aka EUNWOO.

And that day was EUNWOO'S wedding . Everything was too fine . They were arranging the wedding ceremony too welly . But it wasn't that great that it's look like . EUNWOO was about to marry the girl who was their biggest enemy. The marriage was held to finished all the enemy and start a new friendship between this two kingdom .

MARCELLUS was the kingdom of kind and for the werewolves when the next kingdom was


The city was for Vampires,  witches and werewolves. They were too powerful and too bad . They used to kill the  werewolves from MARCELLUS . They were the most unkind in the whole world.

Their queen aka JENNIFER JOY was the cruelest . She was like this cuz from her childhood she only been taught how to kill and win . She was a witch , one of the powerful witche . But she was too good with her two brothers . One who turned into 22 that year whom everyone feared as he was such a beast and the little one was 10 years old . They kept him hidden & far from all this war . The little prince was growing up in a little village with his uncle & aunty far away from DEREK . And it was his sister's wish to protect him from all the bad stuffs .

One day JENNIFER JOY  was too angry and frustrated cuz again she lose in the war with the werewolves from MARCELLUS specially from EUNWOO.

But then her mother just told her a trick that why doesn't she just pretend to love the young would be King of MARCELLUS And just killed him after he fallen in love with her then she can easily be the queen and will win the whole emperor what she wanted from very long .

JENNIFER JOY was too beautiful to easily catch EUNWOO'S eyes . It took a few days to turn her cunning plan into reality.

Then when their wedding finished JENNIFER JOY finally able to gave her cunning thinking a result . The night of their wedding she almost killed EUNWOO but EUNWOO was too clever to not leave her alive so that she couldn't harm his family as well as his emperor . No ones knew what happened that night in their room but in the next morning everyone just found two dead bodies inside their room in MARCELLUS . Both of the emperor were broke into tears and anger . Specially the princess of MARCELLUS & the prince  of DEREK. Everyone wanted their revenge and both of the emperor were turning into a grave with thousands bodys by waring against eachother.

When the princess came and took all the duties in her shoulder and she made everything stopped . She made her solders to stop the war though they were winning . The princess didn't want to take any revenge cuz she was too soft hearted and she thought that they also lost their queen so why this war , to make more loses from both side . She made her people understand everything and they stopped the war .

The war finally stopped but the fire never stopped into the hearts of the people of DEREK.  Especially JENNIFER JOY'S Brother still didn't forget about her sister but with all those wars , he got tried and his energy was also got low . So their mother feared getting killed so she just forced her elder son to leave the castle and went far from the kingdom to live . Her son wasn't agreeing but at last they left with their fellow tenants in the same village where their uncle aunty lives .

Almost 80% of them were killed , no one gonna forget this specially their new king the brother of let JENNIFER JOY . He promised himself before leaving , that he will come and take the revenge FOR SURE .

When The princess of MARCELLUS  became their new queen and her little sister who was newly born became the princess.

[A/N: I know this is confusing and boring but I promise that I will make you guys understand the story in the next few chapters. ]

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