Chapter Seventy-Eight

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Dragon Mountains, 1262

Traveling back down the mountain was far simpler than traveling up it. With only the three of them and Geralt's expertise trekking through the wilderness, they were back at the inn where they'd started their odd journey before nightfall.

Geralt secured them a spot by the fire as Robin stopped by the bar and ordered their dinner. Jaskier took out his lute and began to tune it, his eyes darting over the crowd, sizing them up to see how receptive they might be.

Robin joined Geralt, leaning against him contentedly as she watched her brother begin to work the room. As often as she and Geralt teased him about his vocation, he was excellent at it. There could be no doubt about that.

"Greetings, ladies and gentlemen," he started. "Oh, and Geralt," he added, gesturing to the witcher.

Robin giggled as Geralt rolled his eyes affectionately.

"Well, now that you know I'm friends with a witcher, you probably recognize me," Jaskier continued. "I've traveled with him for some time, because he knows my sister. Very well, by the way. I know she's a rare beauty, but I wouldn't try talking to her if I were you, unless you want the witcher's big, meaty fist in your face. Don't let his act fool you. He's a kitten, but only when he's with her. Otherwise, he's a mountain lion."

Robin made a show of petting Geralt's head. His brow furrowed and he grunted slightly, but he didn't protest. Several patrons laughed.

"We just returned from slaying a dragon," Jaskier explained. "I haven't had time to write a song about that yet. Don't worry. Coming soon and all that. But I do have a new ballad for you, one that I think will be my most popular ever. Because on top of this very mountain, after slaying a dragon, the witcher and my sister finally confessed their love for each other. It's been decades in the making. Trust me. I wasn't sure they'd get there before I kicked the proverbial bucket, but I'm very glad they did, because there's profit in it."

He played several notes on the lute, then bowed. "You have the honor of being the first to hear it. Feel free to look smug as you listen to the lyrics. I know I'm going to."

Robin smirked. She had some idea of what she was about to hear, but she didn't know exactly what Jaskier had finalized after all of his composing.

Geralt shifted slightly as the bard began, pulling Robin closer.

The melody itself was very beautiful. Jaskier's usually were. Robin was rather in awe of her little brother's gift. She herself couldn't carry a tune even if she had a pail for it, so the talent clearly didn't run in the family.

Geralt inhaled sharply as Jaskier began to sing.

The fairer sex, they often call it
But her heart, it steals like a crook
It robs all his reason, from season to season
And conquers with naught but a look

It wasn't a bad start, she thought. Geralt certainly couldn't deny the truth of it. She'd had him from the moment they'd met, even if it had taken him far longer than that to realize it.

A storm raging on the horizon
Of longing and heartache and lust
His feelings aren't news, but his silence is lose, lose
So tell me, love, tell me, love, how is that just?

Robin smiled broadly. She rather liked that section. She also couldn't help noticing that the audience was quite captivated. They were staring at Jaskier, riveted by his words, only tearing their eyes away every once in a while to glance at Geralt and Robin.

Jaskier began the chorus, crooning beautifully. No one could claim that he didn't have a good voice.

But the story is this
She'll restore with her sweet kiss, her sweet kiss
But the story is this
She'll restore with her sweet kiss

Geralt hummed deep in his chest. Robin knew it was a hum of agreement, and she pressed her mouth into his shoulder to hide another giggle, not wanting to interrupt her brother's song.

Her current is pulling him closer
And charging the hot, humid night
The red sky at dusk is giving you a warning, you fool
Better keep her in sight

He'd known the instant he'd seen them together. She wondered what would have happened if they had listened to him earlier. If they had been honest earlier. Somehow, though, she knew that this was always the way it was meant to be. There could have been no other path for her and Geralt.

They hadn't wasted time, exactly. They'd been with each other this whole time, lovers this whole time. It was only their feelings that had remained buried. It was an odd path to this finish, to be sure, but they were together now, and that was what mattered.

I'm weak, love, and I am wanting
If this is the path I must trudge
I'll welcome my sentence, give to you my penance
For you are my jury and judge

Jaskier winked at Robin as he sang the last line. She winked back and blew him a kiss. She was quite happy not to be referred to as a garroter.

Jaskier began repeating the chorus over and over. Before he was finished, Geralt pulled her in for a soft, sweet kiss. Robin was touched, not only because he wanted to kiss her, but because it was fantastic for Jaskier's performance, and the witcher knew it.

He'd always had a soft spot for her brother, despite all of his complaints, and Robin appreciated it.

"Thank you," she whispered as the audience began clapping and cheering and showering Jaskier with coin.

It wasn't always the reaction he received, but it was nice when it happened.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Geralt replied teasingly, kissing her forehead and nodding at the innkeeper as their dinner arrived.

"Yes, you do," she countered. "I've made you positively soft, witcher."

He grinned at her. "Just don't tell anyone."

"I think my brother just did."

He chuckled and kissed her again, then grabbed the dish of olives and set it in front of her as he began to carve the two chickens they'd ordered.

Jaskier began a rousing round of "Toss a Coin to Your Witcher" behind them. Geralt groaned, and Robin didn't suppress her giggle this time.

She was finally happy. Really, truly happy. She knew there were still plenty of obstacles in their future, but at least they weren't an obstacle to each other anymore. Whatever happened, they would face it together, and she could take comfort in that.

By the time Jaskier joined them, the food was almost gone. He made a face at his sister and she waved at him dismissively. "I ordered more."

"Well, I'll forgive you, then," he decided, sitting down. "Ah, sometimes it's good to be famous."

"I don't know," Robin mused, winking at him again. "You're using my fame to make me sound rather predatory, still, don't you think?"

"Just be glad I didn't stick with the first version," Jaskier retorted primly. "It was all about the size of Geralt's... sword."

The witcher choked and Robin pounded him on the back. Jaskier laughed loudly. "Oh, I do love it when I can surprise you, Geralt," he joked.

The innkeeper brought more dinner, Jaskier dug in, and they continued with their lovely evening as a happy little family.

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