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a.m, read the time when shouto checked the grandfather clock on his granny's living room.

noon was approaching which also meant that lunch time was nearing soon. now shouto being the hardworking lad he is, did not stop training even though he was literally on a vacation!

oh granny tried to convince him to take it slow and take some time off to relax too but he politely declined, saying things like ,"midoriya must be training hard too" and "i don't think bakugo must be taking a break" honestly, granny yua always wondered how shouto was so sure his "friends" were training?

Ah wait. "friends?" the ever oblivious shouto has "friends?" that was what granny thought when she first heard him say things like that but it made her happy and glad that he has people to call "friends".

it made her realise that shouto was growing and changing, changing into the best version of himself he could be. and she was proud of that.

"granny!" shouto exclaimed,"are there no strawberries left from yesterday?"

"no, how could you forget that you were the one who gobbled everything yesterday?" she said, halting at what she seemed to be doing was packing or taking out clothes from boxes? and looked at shouto.

his mouth formed a "O" shape, when he realised what he had done to the strawberries that you brought for them yesterday.

"well you can always go and buy from y/n's dad shop" granny told him.

"where is it?"

"wait i'll draw you a map" granny told shouto, leaving the room she was in and went to the study room to get a pen and paper.


"oh? shouto!!" you called for him, waving your hands as you saw the dual coloured haired boy standing excatly opposite from the direction of your father's shop.

he waved back, giving you a small smile with a nod and crossed the road heading towards you. 'why are you walking towards me!?' you questioned yourself.

"hello y/n" shouto greeted.


"what brings you here?" you questioned.

"to get some strawberries, the one's you bought that evening"

"shoot! they just got sold out" you exclaimed, disappointedly.

"oh that's fine" he said, sulking a bit but trying his best not to show it.

seeing his reaction made you curse at yourself for not saving the last box of strawberry, instead of selling it to one of those obnoxious neighborhood aunties.

"y/n what's wrong?" you heard a voice calling you from behind, grabbing both you and shouto's attention.

"what are you pondering about and standing here with young shouto?"

"oh, papa!" you exclaimed, happy to see his face, hoping that he had solution towards your problem.

"are there any strawberries left in the back storage?"

"about that, i was just about to get some from the field myself" your dad said to you, giving you a soft look at the end.

you turned towards shouto, frowning and told him,"shouto! i'm really sorry but there are no strawberries left here"

"y/n it's fine really, you don't have to feel bad because of that"

'i do feel bad because it's YOU!' you internally shouted at shouto.

as you were about to say something to him, your dad intereptued

"if it isn't so troublesome for young shouto then, why don't you and y/n go to get some fresh strawberries straight from our field?" he suggested

to which you gave your dad 'what did you say just now old man?' look, to which your father just shrugged it off

"i thi-"

"that sounds good to me" shouto said to your dad, cutting off your words mid-sentence.

"are you sure?"

"i'm sure"

"like a hundred percent?"


"your not just saying this because you feel obligated, do you?"

"no i'm not"

"you don't have to do it if you don't want to, you know?"

"but i want to" shouto firmly stated, facing towards you as his heterochromic eyes met with yours.

"o-okay" you replied, feeling flustered and taken a back by his sudden action.

"shall we get going?"

"fine by me" shouto replied back.

"papa, we'll get going then" you told your father and waved a bye towards him.

"take care you two" he said, winking at you and giving you a thumbs up in the process.

worried that shouto might see your dad's actions, you urged him to walk faster. though you couldn't help but laugh at actions your dad did.

A/N: it feels like I've done so much just bc i wrote this :D

please don't forget to vote, thank you so much <33

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