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I sat down with natalie atour desks and wisper to her "hey nat who the new boys, theyre cute" 

"oh that ben and jeff, jeff just came to class yesterday he transferd in our class from a diffrent one." "oh ok.... he look really familiar.." i said and thought about it. Jeff..... were have i hear that name before......... i thout for a while and then sighed because i couldnt figure it oit. 

"Welcome to class kids i like to welcome our new student jeff again. jeff today youl be paired with [y/n] [l/n] and natalie outlett." the teacher said and pointed to me and natalie. "Ok Miss thank you" the boy said and i gasped. i know that voise, its...its.... the boy from my room........ i put my hand on my badnaid on my face and glared at him as he sat down by us. 

"Hi y/n my name is Jeffree woods its nice to meet you" he said and held out a hand he had his nails painted red and black and it was chipping. "ugh.... go away freak i dont want a staker as my friend" "Y/N!!! that so mean why are you being like this" natalie said and crosed her arms and i huffed. "he was in my room the night you stay over, i swear i reconize his voice!" i said and cross my arm too. "ugh y/n i never been in your room before, dont be such a asshole ok?" he said and sat down and put his head on the table. "ugh whatever ok fine." i said and pulled out my homework. "ok lets get started we cant cheat so no phone and no lookig at my paper we have to wokr together." i said and put down the paper. 

"That too much work y/n, lets just google the answers." natalie said and i roled my eyes. "ok fine but your getting in trouble for it." i said and roled my eyes and pulled out my phone to look up answers.



I followd y/n home from school.... she so pretty..... i run to catch up to her with a smile. "Hi y/n! You walk this way to? Thatscrazy..." i said nervosly and sheeply grinned. "Ya i walk this way....... My house is on Closer street over there." she said and pointed ahead a bit. 

"Oh weird, mine too" i said, rubing the back of my neck. She so pretty. She smells like flowers and kind of like gunmetal and its so cool....... I wood kill for her..... "So jeff..... where you live on the street?" She asked as we turnd on it and i pointed to a dark almost black painted house with bricks and she nodded. "Oh i live 2 house up but you know that already." she said and rolled her eyes. "Y-Y/N i never been to house!!! Stop acuse me." i said despritly.

she roll her eyes at me and punch my shoulder. "Im kidding jeff, ill see you tomorrow ok? lets walk school together." she said and i nodded as she walk off. I go inside my house and close the door. my house is quit its nice. "Oh hi Grinny, how you doing?" I said to my cat who look like he was smiling all the time. he had reddish brown fur and red eyes and he was playing witha ded mouse. "Eating dinner already? Haha ok have fun" i said and walk to the kitchen and open the fridge. I ate dinner and then went upstairs. once it was late i left my house to go see Y/N again... i climed her tree outside her window and snuck inside to see her sleeping... she so pretty...... i take out myknife and cut off a piece of her hair and..... her door opened.... i quicly  hid as.... natalie came in. UGh.... shes too close to y/n..... i have to take care of her soon..... 

i climed out teh window and quietly held=t the hair in my hand and smiled.... now i have part of y/n forever!!!


A/n...hehe......did u epect jeff to be a yandere..... :) i hope you enjoy this chapter sorry it not as long....

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