Getting the Glowsticks

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  After a little while of following the tracks, the Techno Trolls found that the trail led right to a Finders-Keepers Critter nest, where several items were piled up.

  Synth: Oh, man! Not the Grabby-Crabs!

  Lavender-and-Green Female Techno Troll: They'll tear us apart if they just see us come close!

  Laguna then tapped Synth on the shoulder and whispered her plan to him. Once she was done, he nodded in agreement and got up, along with Laguna.

  Synth: Guna and I are goin' in!

  All the other Techno Trolls gasped in shock.

  Red Male Techno Troll: (to Synth) If you don't make it back, can I have your headphones?

  Synth: You know it, bro.

  With that, Laguna swam down into the nest and raised up her hand to display her bracelet to the hoarding critters, making her entire body glow to ensure getting all of their attention. Sure enough, they all saw the bracelet and started scurrying towards her.

  Meanwhile, Synth sneaked over to the pile of stolen items and immediately saw the glowstick containment tube buried in. However, upon grabbing it, the Techno ambassador accidentally caused the whole pile to topple over with a loud crash.

  Understandably, this noisy commotion didn't go unheard by the Finders-Keepers Critters, who immediately got together to form a giant cluster. Laguna dashed to Synth's side, and they both began quickly dodging the cluster's claws. Eventually, they'd get caught, Synth pinned by one claw and Laguna grasped in the other.

  Synth's Mind: Well, I guess this is it! The final-

  Before Synth could finish accepting his fate, he suddenly saw Laguna starting to glow before powerfully prying herself free, disassembling her crustaceous prison in the process.

  Synth's Mind: W-W-W-W-WHAAAAAAA?!?!

  Then the bespectacled Techno Troll swiftly swam up to Synth and performed an electrically-charged drop kick, demolishing the claw that had him pinned down.

The cluster quickly regenerated its claws and started slamming them down in an attempt to squish both purple Techno Trolls. In response, Laguna transferred the glow in her body right to her hair, arm patterns, and hands, which she used to block the blows.

All the while, Synth watched his scientific friend in complete bafflement... until he spotted a Grabby-Crab sneaking up on her, no doubt intending to attack.

  Synth: Laguna, look out!

This concern for his friend unconsciously activated Synth's water powers, causing a whirlpool that sucked in the sneaking attacker, along with all of the other Finders-Keepers Critters that had been severed from the cluster.

Meanwhile, Laguna delivered the final blow to the cluster: she made her whole body glow once again and then had it all condensed into a bright-purple and neon-blue electric ball.

  Laguna: Tech-Glow-Douken!

She fired the ball right at the cluster, leaving it completely decimated upon impact and all of the Finders-Keepers Critters of which it had been comprised totally dazed and/or paralyzed.

  With the battle won, Synth and Laguna both swam up from the nest, where Synth sheepishly smiled towards his fellow Techno Trolls' shocked expressions.

  Synth: He-hey, (taking the glowstick container out of his hair) we got the glowsticks.

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