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"you're watching the new transferee again, dude?"

he nodded when he got familiar with who's the one appeared in this open place, it's his friend.

"hm. yeah," the boy exhaled, just as heavy as the dumbbell near his rustic look uwabaki. the newcomer dangled his fingers on the chain-link fence.

then, the school's rooftop proceeds on witnessing the way that boy's eyes spark, amusingly, whenever that person carries her steps towards the stairs to her classroom. but again, it became dull when he saw the girl's left arm - it seemed tightly covered in bandages.

from his downside shoulders, a cunning smirk painted on his friend's lips. "worried they'll make her as east's new prey, huh?"

"eh?! why should i?" crimson red colored his ears, lashes hiding its eyes to gaze down to the girl his friend was referring to. he just admired that transferee, but he had no thoughts on saving her from being bullied by someone much stronger than him.

"tsk. if that white leopard didn't disappear, school won't be this shitty as it is."

"school won't treat that pretty transferee girl so badly," a cringy push from his lips pursued. pouting at the ground sight; it's starting again wherein a circle ganging the girl below.

"and why do they even call him a white leopard?"

this school located in east kantou, is a big fucking dumb choice on studying here. if the boy can tell that to the girl, it might probably save her. but can he tell it though? no. it's too late.

"shut it, daiki." his friend mumbled, gulping hardly to ease the thumping of his chest.

"why? am i wrong?"

"n-no. j-just cut it out, b-bro." nervous, daiki's friend managed to give him a hint to stop babbling yet he didn't get it.

"if i'm not wrong, why stop me?" he stretched his arms upward, looking away to the girl he slightly liked - being surrounded below.

it's happening again. that poor girl will be hurt again. and, he doesn't know if he'll get angry at himself; for not trying to save her, or for the girl for not having a thought on leaving this damn school, or to get all fused by the gang where it started.

"it feels like earlier, kōdō rengou beat down guys related to other gang. and now, they eye on a girl."

"shitty gan-" before daiki ever finishes his sentence, a force from whatever side causes him to almost fall from the tall building down to the girl's location.

now, the chain-link fence and grabbing his friend's collar are thanks.

uniform got crumpled from the two fists, hardly curled in the middle of white cloth. an infamous way of beaded earrings on his left ear, glides while the air whistles.

"what're the shits appeared when i'm gone?"

both of them shared a thought; he's here. right in front of their blanky scared eyes, shaking lungs and heartbeats.

like how animal surprisingly attack their nemesis, "w-wakasa. . ." the white leopard, uninterestingly switched his right fist on the scared boy's jaw.

wakasa is too tired to wait for the boy he holds to answer him, letting out his annoyance at waiting for nothing; his grip gone tighter.

looking at the other person on the cool rooftop, wakasa's gaze turning the other way has driven chills on daiki's friend's spine.

"you dipshit, care to tell?"


even if shaking from that death glare, he answered. "s-some of your gang members here are going on that girl down there."

"n-now some of the students are doing the same thing."

a hue of lilac bore on the low ground, just to see a bunch of students laying there. some of them are coughing out their chest, with dirtied uniforms too.

"huh?" a tone of amusement left from his thin lips. wakasa's half-opened eyes enlarged to a centimeter when his sight flew to the only person standing there.

"t-that's the girl. . ." her wrecked bandage on arm danced to the air's rhythm.

wakasa felt his tousled light hair slowly pricked his ear and upper cheeks to burn when that girl looked upon the place where he was standing - choking a guy on his bare hands. staring just exactly to his surprised lashes.

an entrapping cloud filled with enamour covered the ball of harsh light when wakasa watched the girl give him a dot of worn out pupils as she got the almost ruined textbook.

with a hunch, "she probably use that to 'em." wakasa whispered, lips curving to a smile which made the other boys shiver.

it's cool to stare yet scary to watch.

almost not breathing, wakasa let go of holding the boy's innocent neck as his feet furiously searched for the downstairs.

as he steps down aggressively, he and his mind are already writing a contract inside his head; not ditching classes again. because right now, he likes to see that girl again in school and ask her everyday to look at him that way.

is it being a fool to feel flattered on being stared at like you are an asshole? wakasa might interrupt and say no.

clicking his tongue, wakasa messed up his hair when he could not find the girl. like a bubble, she fastly vanished in the ocean of people.

guess, wakasa had no choice.

every student which wakasa pushes and passes by were left mouth open, because this is the first time and real close they saw him that; in brows crossed with intense eye saturation.

just like a predator looking for its prey in an animal den, wakasa suddenly stopped in the middle when he finally found her.

". . .my own prey."

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