Getting to Know the Bard.

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Venti what a nice name... "So then Venti, Is talking to dragons normal?" I ask,
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"I saw you in the woods talking with the dragon," I answered
"Well, I let's say heard you praying for who I believe is your brother's safety." He responded.
"How did- But I didn't say that out loud, "I said.
"I have my ways and Anemo travels far."He said
"Anemo?"I queried
"In simple terms the wind powers you have."He responded
"How did you know-"I asked before being cut of
"I just umm, asummed that your um gems on the back of your dress where you vision yeah um."He scrambled to find an awnser.
"Vision?"I queried once again.
"Wow you really arent from arround here huh?" he asked.
"No I am not." I responded
"Here let me pay for your drinks, I assume you dont have any mora."He siad.
At that moment he was right I had forgot I dident have any curency that worked in this world I had all sorts of miscellaneous currencys -rupees, coins, gold, gems, etc- but none of this world. "If you Insist, " I said,
"It would be my honour." He proudly responded. "Master Diluc!"
The man who is apparently called Master Diluc came over and seemingly rather annoyed siad "What is it bard."
"I would like to pay for this young lady's drinks for tonight." Venti Responded.
"Are you sure, I mean your current bill is 2,000 mora, even though my bottles of dandelion wine only cost 100 mora per bottle. I would belive you to be rather, inebriated."Master Diluc responded.
"Im sure," Venti siad with deffiance.
"Fine then as long as I get payed." Master diluc said before walking of.
"Thank you Venti!"I thank the bard he smiles at me and hugs me, maybe he really is inebriated.
"It's fine don't worry, I have quite a lot of Mora, if you need anything just ask me."He responded.
"Well I would like a room, I slept on the sand last night and I barely got any sleep, " I siad
"I'm sure I can get you a room, don't worry. " He said.
"Thank you Venti."I said before the conversation ended and we went back to drinking our wine, I only had one bottle while Venti had 20 more, I have, many questions, first of why did he want to pay for my room and my drink...
"Venti, No more Dandelion wine, Ill bring you your bill." Master DIluc siad.
"Fine."Venti siad rather annoyed,
"So I need you to pay me 4,100 Mora for you drinks and the girl you wanted to pay for."He siad, Was there a slight hitn of doubt in his voice?
"Heres 4,100 Mora, I would also like to book to rooms, if I remember correctly that would be 5,000 mora." Venti siad.
"I am afraid to say but I only have one room available."Master DIluc siad.
"Venti it's fine if he dosent have a room then-" I was cut of by Venti.
"Lumine I don't need a room, you need one mor-"I cut him of.
"Venti no-"I was cut of by Master Diluc.
"God you two why dont you just share a room, you already seem like a couple!" Master Diluc shouted at the tw of us, I blush, and I can spy Venti blushing two.
"We are not a couple." Its only after I said that, I realize that Venti siad it at the same time, great. Now we seem more like a couple.
"Sure... But you seem like freinds Im sure you wouldent mind sharing a room." I can tell Master Diluc just wants us out of his Tavern...
"Venti I wouldent mind, and Im pretty sure if we ever want a drink again we dont want to make Master Diluc angry." I turn to Venti and say.
"Agreed." I could tell Venti was debating wether to say something but in the end doesent.

"GREAT! Have the room on the house now OUT OF MY TAVERN!" Look who was right? Me and Venti head up stairs to room 10, theres only one bed. great.
"You can take the bed I will take the floor." I said trying to be polite.
"No you can take the bed I will take the floor." Venti immedietly cuts in.
"No you paid for my drink so you take the-" I get cut of
"It was only 100 Mora really no issue, And you had to sleep on sand yesterday!" Venti responds
"Fine... If you insist."I said before lying down on the bed, Venti probably thinks Im wierd but my Outfit is specialy woven to never smell or rip, I havent changed it i nthe millenia Ive been travling between worlds, its the last thing I still have from my home world..."Goodnight Venti."

I wake the next day and almost role of the bed, Im not that used to sleeping on them, luckily I stop my self before I plumet onto Venti... That was a much better rest than when I tried sleeping on the sand. I notice Venti waking up to, he really is cu- How many times am I going to tell myself to stop thinking like that...
"Whe- How- WHAT!" Venti shouts
"You ok Venti?" I ask.
"Who are you? how drunk did I get last night?" Venti asks, so I was right he was inebrietated.
"Im Lumine we met last night... we dident do anything," I respond
"Wait your the girl who prayed for her brother, the one who landed near my statue right?"He asked
"What do you mean... your Statue?" I asked
"Oh umm..." He said before disapearing just like I saw him when he was talking with the dragon.

I run downstairs and see a few people, But I dont really care I head out and I dont see him any where, Where could he have gone? How do you just disapear? That has to be impossible right? I run round looking for him, but I can't find him, I run into the exentric red haired girl I met yesterday called Amber.
"Oh hello there! We meet again Lumine." Amber said.
"Ah Amber, good to see you, have you seen a bard wearing a green robe?" I ask.
"No... Sorry I couldent help." She responds
"Ok I need to get going." I said before moving on and trying to find him, I see a back alley and try run down it, but there where stairs, I dident see them, I fell down them, I dident land, I was caught? I look and I see "VENTI?" I shout in shock
"Yeah its me, The Anemo told me you where falling, I came to help, I had to take a trip to windrise, to see if I could deal with my mistakes..." He responds.
"Windrise?" I ask.
"I will explain one day, I promise." He said after putting me back down on the ground. Well, So far things have not been succesfull in finding my brother, but I have made a very intersting friend.

A/N I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I enjoyed writing it! Thats about all I have to say, some times I swear I spend more time writing these A/N then anything else since I never know what to put here.

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