Dvalin and Barbatos.

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"So would you like a tour of Mondstadt if you new round here, then you would probably want one?" Venti asked,
"So Mondstadts the name of this city?"I asked in response,
"Yep, So what do you think?"He responds.
"Sure thing Venti, "I answer,
"Follow me then we can start at the main gate!" He tells me before grabbing my hand and running off, I find it kind of funny how I'm getting dragged around by such a carefree person, who is around the same size as me. 

We arrive at the gate and I spot Amber, she runs over to the two of us,
"Oh hey, Lumine! And whos this?" Amber asked,
"Oh, this is the person I was looking for, Venti, "I answered,
"I see nice to meet you, Venti!" She shouts at him, she really is over eccentric, isn't she?
"Any friend of Lumine is a friend of mine."He responds, Wow he is so- no Lumine, bad Lumine. My cheeks are definitively red.
"Aww Is Lumine blushing!?"Amber questioned
"No- no I'm not!" I answer before hiding my face in my hair, I also notice that Venti is blushing, well that's weird... he- NO LUMINE.
"Anyway, Lumine do you want a Wing Glider?"Amber asked,
"Whats a Wind Glider?"I asked
"How do you not know what a wind glider is???!!" Amber practically screams into my ear before Venti cuts in.
"She Isn't from around here," Venti said,
"I see... well do you want one?"Amber asked.
"I guess?" I weakly say before Amber rushes over and begins strapping something onto my back.
"Ok, so it's pretty easy to use, just pull on the strap when you are in the air and you will start gliding!"Amber exited started telling me. "Ok so Why don't we go up to the higher levels of Mondstadt, and so you can-" She is cut off when suddenly a storm appears, and the dragon I saw Venti talking with flew across the top of Mondstadt and the wind built up. I was thrown into the sky I quickly deploy the wings and get thrown further up, I hear a voice,
"Listen to me, Channel you Anemo power,  Try and strike the purple spikes on Dvalins back, "

I don't have time to question why there is a voice in my head, or what they called the dragon, And I begin channeling the Anemo Powers the statue gave me, and sending them to the dragon, chasing it through the air before it flees and the wind dies down so I can land.
"Your ok thank-"Venti is cut off by a blue-haired man wearing fur, he's slow clapping as he walks towards us, 
"Well done fending of StormTerror, Traveler-"I cut Him of
"Isn't his name Dvalin?" I asked, remembering what the voice in my head said,
"Well people call him tha-" He is cut of by Venti
"Well I know for certain his name is Dvalin, It says so in old Bard songs." He says.
"Right, Dvalin then, Well done, why don't you join the Knights of Favonias?" The person Asked.
The voice in my head returns, I realize it sounds like Ventis Voice? "Don't join them."
"I am going to have to politely refuse, I need to get going now," I say before grabbing venti and leaving, I take him into a back alleyway, I realize it's the one he caught me in, "So then Venti. you just an ordinary Bard?" I asked,
"Yes, a perfectly Ordinary Bard..." He says slightly nervously.
"So on this world, owning statues and being able to talk to people in their head, is just normal? And Disappearing into thin air. and Dragons don't seem to usual and talking to them seems even rarer."I questioned
"You got me, Meet me at windrise," he said
"Whats Windrise?" I asked
"The big tree outside of Mondstadt." He said before disappearing.

I head outside the city, I look round and see a big tree in the distance, one of the statues is next to it, I decide that's as good a place as any to try, While walking I see a strange creature it runs up to me and swings, I move out of the way and draw my sword, It swings again and I dodge it again, I'm not going to give it an opportunity to hit me. I get behind it and just before I stab it in the back I get hit from behind, I channel the wind through me and create a wind blade, I had won a 2v1 fight, well wasn't that easy? I return my sword to my back before continuing to the tree, I arrive at the tree, and venti drops from a tree branch above me.
"So you came," Venti said,
"Well of course I did." I respond "I believe you owe me an explanation,"
"Of course, well, you may not believe me, but I'm am an Archon-" I cut him off
"First what's an Archon?" I ask
"I guess you could call it a God a Member of the Seven, That's right I gave you your Anemo Powers, I heard your wish, I'm an Archon- or a god in the more common tongue. As we established." Venti told me, I didn't really believe him but then I remember all the stuff I saw him do and it made sense, of course, he was an "Archon" also known as a God.

"You don't believe me do you Lumine?" Venti asked,
"No I do, I was just thinking over it... I think my biggest question is why did you tell me?" I asked,
"I told you because I did something an Archon isn't meant to do ever..." He said.
"And what's that?" I asked.
"I- I can't tell you-" He said.
"Please, Please tell me it kinda hurts not to know," I said and he kinda looked pained himself when I said that,
"Well, then I suppose I should tell you, just promise, not to hate me?" He asked.
"I won't," I responded,
"I broke a rule of the Seven, you aren't meant to" He cuts himself off and breaths in "Archons aren't supposed to fall in love with Mortals..."

A/N I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I will see you all next time, At least I hope, Bye for now.

An unkown world, a god of the wind, a lost outlanderWhere stories live. Discover now