a STUNNING challenge

18 0 2

[205 live]
???: Stunning jay, why would you beat Tony nese senseless?
Jay: I'm not in the mood for this shit.
???: Jay! (Runs in front of me) can we at least get an explanation?
Jay: SHUT. UP! I SAID IM NOT IN THE MOOD!( Kicks him in the face, and walks away)
[Before the end of the show]
( Jay walks in the parking lot)
Nese: hey! I'm not finished with you!
(Jay turns around)
Nese: I want payback for last week!
Jay: well you're not gonna get it.

(Nese walks in front of him)

Jay: you know what? Fine. Whatya gonna do,  huh!?

Nese: no.  I want an actual match between the two of us. Next week.

Jay: heh... lets do it.

Nese: but that's not it. I want, for the cruiserweight championship.

Jay: (smirks) ok. See ya next week.

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