a Stunning attack

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[Backstage right after smackdown]
Jay: yes! You did it!
Nicole: (smirking) heh, I AM pretty awesome.
(Charlotte walks up to them]
Charlotte: you STOLE my title!
Nicole: pretty sure I WON it myself.
Jay: even I saw it. You were out there
Charlotte: shut up. You aren't in this.
(Tony walks up to me)
Tony: But he IS in trouble with me.
Jay: i ain't scared of you. My thumb is bigger than your-
Tony: i need you to shut up, fatty
Jay: (starts laughing) are we in elementary school!? Then again you do sound like a whining baby.
(Tony just kicks me in my leg)
Jay: you kick like one too!🤣
(Tony weakly kicks me in the face)

Anata wa tada-?{did you just-}
Authors note: {these mean translations. Sometimes I will speak in Japanese, and this will be a translation of what I say}

Jay: anata wa sindu iru!{you're dead!}
(Stunning jay begins to unload on tony nese like a crazy person. He doesn't stop, even when he sees the blood on nese's face.)
Michelle Nicole: Jay! Get off him!

(Jay just keeps firing shots off at tony.)
Michelle: hey! Jay ! Stop!
(Jay stops or a second or two. Then he looks at the blood on his knuckles, and starts up again.) (WWE officials force Jay off of Tony,his face is BUSTED! paramedics go and take Tony to the hospital.... or wherever they take the injured guys. The thing is, smackdown wasn't yet off the air.  Everyone watching smackdown saw what Jay did...

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