Chapter 4: Conflict

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What in the world was up with him, why would he just kick me out like that?

Im honestly really worried for him..

maybe I shouldn't have left? But what was i supposed to do!?

He wouldn't talk to me and he just seemed.. scared..?

Or like he wanted to get rid of something..

am i the problem..?

But he's always begging me to stay with him..

erg this doesn't make any sense!

I jump onto my bed letting my thoughts swallow me each one worse then the last.

I just hope he's ok..


I'm  gonna call him, maybe we can fix this situation..

i grab my phone and search in my contacts for "Horny Owl <3".

There it is!

I press it and the phone starts ringing.

Hopefully he picks up..

Meanwhile with Stolas.

"S-Stella i promise i didn-"

"QUIET!" She snaps at me as she continues to walk towards me.

Im died..

"I'm feeling nice today so you can choose, the knives and pins or..
匕卄モ 尺口口爪"

"No! No not the room! Pls anything but that!!"

"So knives and pins?"


i look down.

What do i do!??

I cant go to the room oh Satin no!

But.. i dont think i can stand the knives and pins either!

What do i do!???

"Stolas the clock is ticking! Make your choice or else ill make it for you!"


suddenly the phone starts ringing.

She walks over to the phone and reads who's calling

" "My little imp ♥"!?? Who the fuck is this!???"

Oh no!

Blitzy is calling right now!??


She snickers and gives me a devilish grin

"im done with being nice today. Im taking you to the room."

"Wait no! Please!"

"Too late 'mr princy' your coming with me." She says with a cold voice as she grabs me from my hair and drags me to the room.



It's been 4 hours since i called him and he still hasn't called me back..

I hope he's ok..

as if on queue the phone starts ringing.

I quickly leap at my phone and snatch it off my bed and answer

"Stolas! Oh thank Satin you're ok! Where are you? How are you? That bitch better have not done anyth-"

i hear rapid coughs on the other side of the line and what sounds like a door closing then shuffling



"Why.. w-why did you *cough* cal right n-now..?"

"Stolas it's been 4 hours and I got worried, it doesn't sound like you're doing too well, what happened?"

"I-its.. its nothing.."

"it clearly isn't nothing if you sound like a dying cat with its tail being stepped on!"

"Wish that were the case.."

he sighs then continues

"y-you don't need t-to worry Blitzø *cough* I'm fine.."

ok there definitely is something up!

"Stolas please! What ever it is tell me! I can help you! I don't care what happens to me but please i need you safe!!"

"Blitzø.. stop."

Stolas' voice gets more stern and irritated

"Stolas i beg you tell me what happened!"

"Blitzø stop it!"

"What ever it is Stolas i promise i can help you just ple-"


Those words pierced straight through my chest.

He.. he used my other name..


"i.. ... im sorry Blitzø i have to go.."

"wait bu-"

"and we're ending our agreement.."

"wait what!??"



I cut the call as tears start to fall.

Im so sorry Blitzy but i cant handle this..

these voices just wont leave me alone and i cant risk hurting u..

maybe i can..


i stand up and walk over to the table with all the weapons on it and spot a knife.

I hesitate a bit but i grab it and look at it for a bit.

Its so clean i can see my reflection..

"Cut~ cut~ cut~ cut~"


I move the knife towards my arm and i drag it across as the blood starts dripping out.

And another cut.


And another.

Until both my arms are littered with them. I look at the now bloody knife and then at the cuts and i smile slightly.

I then remember what happened between me and Blitzy earlier and i drop to my knees as i break down crying still holding the bloody knife as my arms continuously bleed everywhere.

I drop the knife and i go back to the corner of the dark room and i tuck my legs up to my chest..

im sorry Blitzy..

i love you..

more tears stream down my face as i cry shivering in the corner of the cold room the whole night.


he cuts the call.

My hand drops as i stay there shocked.


no he can't end things like this..






I love you..


And that's the end of the chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed reading it! Next week i will work on my other Blitzø angst this time! I chose a schedule that one week i work on the Blitzo angst book then i work on this book the next! So yea look forward to a new chapter over there next week! Anyways feel free to comment any thoughts or comments on this chapter! Have an amazing day/afternoon/evening/night! Love you all! Stay safe and Happy Halloween!! 💖🎃💖

I just want some love.. (Stolitz) (Stolas Angst)Where stories live. Discover now