Chapter 15: Back To Sense

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I slowly open my eyes as I sit up on the couch. I look around and put my claw up to my head as I winced at the thumping in my head. 'Did I have a hang over..?' i thought as I looked around moving the soft quilts off of my body and it dropped on my feet. I ached all over, especially my fists.. but why.. what happened yesterday.. .... Then It hit me.. flashes of Stolas when I saw him in the basement. His body covered in bruises and bloodied wounds "STOLAS! I-I NEED TO GO SEE STOLAS!" I yelled as I quickly jumped off of the bed to get my clothes together and dressed.

I then heard Loona come up to me stopping me from running around in a frenzy. "Wow wow, hold it there, you aren't going anywhere, Stolas is still in a coma right now, and you.. need to take a shower" she winced at the smell of me. "What even happened yesterday?" "Yesterday? Nothing much really, just stayed watching Voxflix and taking care of your passed out body" "Voxflix, passed ou- what are you talking about?? How long was I out?" "Emmm about.. a month or something?" "...A MONTH!???" "Yep, while you were gone, Millie, Moxxie and I were taking care of the company so don't worry about that" "so you're saying that Stols has been in a come for a month an no one thought to wake me up!?" "Well the doctor said not to, seems like you used so much energy and lots of strain on your body when you killed Valentino and that strain was too much for your body and your mental state, your brain ended up giving your body a full shut down. The doctor said not to wake you up and to let you wake up naturally, cause if we did it would have caused you some saviour brain damage" "...huh.." "Oh, the doctor also recommended a therapi-" "nooo thank you" I stated as I stopped for a bit trying to collect my thoughts.

I heard Loona sigh and she handed me the car keys. "look.. I know you're worried about him and you are obviously clingy as fuck so I know that there isn't anything I can do to stop you from going.. Just don't strain yourself so much ok..? I was.. worried about you and.. now that you're awake I don't wana.. you know.. lose you again.." I stared at her stunned and a small smile start creeping onto my face. "You- care about me!!?" I yelled as I put my hands to my heart looking at her with googol eyes. she looked away blushing and frowning "dooont make such a big deal about it" she growled and I immediately stopped "right sorry" she looked back at me and smiled a little "just be carful, alright..?" "Will do!" I said giddily as I ran off to the van and started it up, then stopped. "Oh shit.. I forgot to ask her where Stols is-"

A few minutes later

I started driving to the royal hospital my mind racing as a million thoughts raced through my head, unsure what to expect. I brought those thoughts to an abrupt halt as I parked in the parking lot and made my way to the reception. "Hi, I'm here to see prince Stolas?" The receptionist looked at me with an eye brow raised was they pushed their glasses down to look at me. "Are you one of his servants?" "One of his set- I'm his boyfriend!" Their face quickly shifted to an amused one then they bursted out laughing "hahahaha b-boyfriend!? You!? An imp is with a PRINCE!? And a married one at that! Pff, funniest joke i've heard all year! I'm not telling you shit 'boyfriend', so get lost" "why you little-" I was about to reach for my gun when I heard a voice behind me "He's with me"
'bitch who the fuck?' (Get the meme? Have the 🍪)

I looked behind me to see- "p-princess Octavia! M-my apologise! He's in room 69" She nodded and went off as I followed her to the room. "Via, i know you don't really like my.. arrangement with your dad, and he kinda cut the deal so you don't have to worry about it, but still I'm sorry fo-" i got cut off by her picking me up and hugging me "thank you.." She said in a soft tone. "Huh?" "Thank you for finding him.. I heard about.. what happened and what you did for him.. thank you for that.." i slowly smiled as I brought a claw up to her head cursing it lightly "of course princess" I said back and she slowly put me down and we looked at the door.

"So how has he been? I don't remember much since I've been out for a Month but.." "Well the doctor said him and babies-" "babies?? We're having twins!?" "Ye" "Holy shit!" i quickly went back to being more serious to let her continue "Tho there is a slight risk right now.." "What do you mean?" "Well.. even if dad is stable, his pregnancy can easily screw it up, his body is still not 100% recovered but he's really far along in the pregnancy and that might screw things up. The babies could be left in there too long and he could never go to labour, he could end up going to labour while his body is still not 100% recovered and putting the babies at risk, and worst case scenario, his body wouldn't be strong enough to push through it and we could end up loosing him AND the babies.." She looked pretty worried and stressed at all of this so I did something im not very good at, comforting. "Hey, your dad is strong, if he can survive my dick than im sure he can survive giving birth" "ew- but thanks" she gave me a small smile as we looked at the door which had a window showing Stolas' limp body lying on the hospital bed and hooked up to lots of devices. "So.. you're going in?" Octavia looked down to me "ye but.. you deserve to have your time with him first, I can wait" I said looking back up as she went in while I sat down on the chairs outside waiting for her to finish.


END!! Hope you guys enjoyed these two chapters! Hope it makes up for being gone for like a month- but I mean it's in the story too so.. just trying to make it realistic I guess? 😅 apart from the jokes, I'm gonna work really hard on this book before my finals start, if I end up not finishing it before my finals imma need to put it on hiatus until I finish them which would be arouuuuund late May or June. Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapters! Love you all! 💕💕

I just want some love.. (Stolitz) (Stolas Angst)Where stories live. Discover now